Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 28, 2016 Thursday #indoorworkout#fortress#housework#regrets#Vereshchagin!

Get Fit
I  know it would be a great idea to go for a walk in the snow up here in Roscommon this morning but its beginning to look like I would need skis or snowshoes.  It is pretty to see from inside though.  And oh darn, I forgot my boots.  Maybe some yoga when I get home tonight.

Get Faith
Psalm 71:1-6  "Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress, to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress."(v3)  One of the great benefits of faith is that you can get that comfort and solace from God when you need it.  You can feel His arms around you in that moment when your heart is broken.  That is available to anyone of God's children - He wants to be your rock, a strong fortress.

On this day a reprint from 2014
1967 - On this day, I did something I never do anymore.  Iron.  It used to be that you had to put time aside to iron.  The fabrics in those days required it.  We had the pop bottle with holes in the cap to sprinkle, the iron did not have a steam or spray setting.  It had some advantages.  You were standing, rather then laying on the couch watching TV.  And, I loved the smell of a clean blouse or shirt coming up in your face, I can still smell it.  Occasionaly something needs ironing these days, but, I'm not even good at it anymore.  

1909 - The United States ended direct control over Cuba. I didn't know they had it in the first place.

I confess to being a caregiver, opinionated and stubborn.  I also forget to shut up when I have had a few drinks.  Anyone else have this problem?  

Mykolaiv Ukraine
How about this art museum today?  Vereshchagin Art Museum

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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