Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 2, 2016 Saturday #plangoodhealth#timeforeverything#vacationmemories!

Get Fit
How to Be Slimmer and Healthier the Next Year
#weightloss #loseweight This looks like a great yearly planner of how to e healthier! Look!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:2 "a time to be born and a time to die," As hard as it is to face our own mortality one thing to remember is we are all in it together. As we celebrate a new life, a baby just coming into the world with no history, we marvel at our reproduction, the life with a huge future ahead. On the other side is when we say goodbye to a loved one who, even if they had a long marvelous life, it also included bad days and bad times. God is there when that baby is born into this world and He is there to take your hand and welcome you back home, and everything in between, if you let him in.

On this day
1991 - My husband the kids and I were down in Stuart Florida. This year the temps were in the 80's and the kids loved to be at the beach. On this day the waves were really big and we had bought the kids tubes or surf boards and they were having a great time riding the waves, with a lot of supervision. We have great memories of those Christmas vacations and movies to go with them.

1991 - Sharon Pratt Dixon was sworn in as mayor of Washington, DC. She was the first black woman to head a city of that size and prominence.  A lot has happened since then.

You only have a short time to make memories with your children.  The memory above seems like it was yesterday, and we are still making memories, but different ones with adult children.  While it is nice to plan and save and wait for the right time - don't miss opportunities to share good times with your kids or grandchildren.  Make 2016 memories happen for your family.

Mykolaiv Ukraine  
Mykolaiv (UkrainianМиколаїв Ukrainian pronunciation: [mɪkoˈɫɑjiw]), also known as Nikolaev (from Russian Николаев), is a city in southernUkraine, the administrative center of the Mykolaiv Oblast. Mykolaiv is arguably the main ship building center of the Black Sea. Aside from its three shipyards within the city, there are located a number of research centers specializing in shipbuilding such as the State Research and Design Shipbuilding Center, Zoria-Mashproekt and others.
The city is an important transportation junction of Ukraine (sea port, commercial port, river port, highway and railway junction, airport).
Mykolaiv's orderly layout reflects the fact that its development has been well planned from the founding of the city. Its main streets, including the three main East-West Avenues, (including Lenin Prospect shown in the photo on the right) are very wide and tree lined. A significant part of Mykolaiv's land area consists of beautiful parks. Park Peremohy (Victory) is a large park on the peninsula just north of the city center of Mykolaiv, on the North side of the Inhul river.
Mykolaiv has a population of about 500,000.
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Don!

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