Saturday, January 16, 2016

January 16, 2016 Saturday #tighthips#Lord'stime#trackoftime#badIvantime#youtime#zootime!

Get Fit
There is a set of stretches for tight hips that I have been doing occasionally  I think they are for runners, and if you do, try them. You can find them on facebook.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 4:1-4  Break up your fallow ground and do not sow among thorns.  The Lord was angry, again, with the Israelites for following false gods and wasting their time.  This study writer today, mentions the misuse of time, when even your free time is not worthwhile.  I have a problem with not being able to just relax, I always feel like I should be doing something.  I have tried for the last year or so to really rest on the Sabbath, but it doesn't work all the time either.  It seems there is always something to do.

On this day
1978 - Pete and I played pool on a league at Big Bill's.  It said in my journal that we took 2. I guess I am competitive and I keep track of everything.  It seems I am concerned with what and how my time is spent and I don't want to forget a day of it.  I believe it is due to the people I have lost in my life.  Are you a rememberer? or do you let it go?  Somewhere inbetween?  

1547 - Ivan the Terrible was crowned Czar of Russia. Just judging by his name this couldn't be good.

I have spent a lot of time trying to light a fire under people that I don't feel are very motivated.  My brother Mark was one of them.  Where some of us can be one direction, it is hard to deal with those who have no direction.  I believe some people cannot alter their state of dependency with or without help.  If you are dealing with a teenager with this mind set the best thing you can do is find out how to maintain your healthy mind set through this.  What do you think?

Mykolaiv Ukraine

Administrative districts[edit]

Mykolaiv is divided into four districts:
The Central District is located in the northwest of the city. It includes the historic center of Mykolaiv, Rocket tract, Temvod, Salt, Northern, Ternovka (in Ternovca also acts village council), Matveevka, Varvarovka.
The Zavodskiy District is located in the west of the city. In this area, many industrial enterprises are concentrated. It also includes neighborhoods Lescaut and Alluviation, as well as towns of Velykaya Koreniha and Malaya Koreniha.
The Leninskiy District is located in the east of Mykolaiv. Among other things, it includes the new Horticulture, YUTZ, New Watering, Old Watering. The district has a zoo, bus and railway stations.
The Korabelniy District is located in the south of the city. It includes a broad beam, Zhovtneve, Balabanovka, Kulbakino.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Cheryl!  

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