Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2016 Tuesday #abs#silence#snowblower#war#snowstorm#goUkraine!

Get Fit
Try some abdominals today.  Sit ups are great for flat stomachs but even better for a strong back.  My back, which has a s curve in it has not been a problem since I started the ab workouts 20+ years ago.  I can't say more than that.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:7 "a time to tear and a a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak."  I have been giving this last part a lot of thought lately.  A time to be silent.  I can be very out spoken and I'm not sure that is the right way to get someone's attention.  I think both phrases are relevant to each other - the tearing and the speaking and the mending and the silence.  I have told myself (a lot) that it doesn't do any good to speak louder if someone is not listening.

On this day
2015-  Last year we got some snow, enough to start up the brand new snowblower we bought each other for Christmas.  Nicole had been using it but this was my first time.  It worked so well I did the neighbors on both sides and across the street.  I finally quit and came in the house to work on my book, which is what I did most days last year until I finished it.

1879 - The British-Zulu War began when the British invaded Zululand. Of course a war began, who just says "oh sure come on in and take over OUR country?"  

I am not mechanically inclined but somehow I have always managed.  Our brand new snowblower would not start so Nicole went out 21/2 hours ago and worked on it till it started and now has finished blowing the snow.  The amazing thing is she is actually home when we got a snowstorm.

Mykolaiv Ukraine
In 1918, Mykolaiv survived its first occupation by foreign troops. In 1920, Soviet power was established there.[13]
With the beginning of World War II Mykolaiv was occupied on 16 August 1941. In September, German forces massacred over 35,000 non-combatants, many of them Jews, in the city and its region. During the occupation, an underground partisan sabotage group, the Mykolaiv Center conducted guerilla activities. On 28 March 1944 the city was liberated, in part because of Soviet Senior Lieutenant Konstantin F. Olshansky's paratroopers and their daring raid, during which the majority of his troops were killed.
In the post-war period Mykolaiv became one of shipbuilding centers of the USSR, with three shipyards: Black Sea61 Kommunara, and Okean.  And now they have trouble with Russia again - but they are tough, I'm betting on them.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Rebekkah!  

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