Tuesday, July 10, 2018

July 10, 2018 Tuesday#Leviathan#Godprovides#Inconceivable!#RunYobesRun!PrincePrajak!

Get Faith
Job 41  This whole chapter tells of Leviathan.  To read the description it absolutely sounds like a fire breathing dragon.  Now the book of Job is probably written between 2000 and 1000 BC.  Who saw this?  Is it a figment of someone's imagination?  Yes, it is, but not a figment I think - God's world - God's creation.  With all He created do you not think He could not or would not make something like this?  Something so fantastical that we have told stories and made movies built around this?  How about Nessie? in Loch Ness?  God has a sense of humor and the joke is on us, while Leviathan frolics in the waters.  My God is fun and loving.

Get Fit
Worked out the legs this morning and I might even take a walk before it heats up too much.  I'm seeing this thing about forest bathing, or meditation and how it can heal and support good health.  It makes sense doesn't it?   I have a shirt that says this:
     Trees breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.
     People breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
                 God provides.

On this day
1993  It was a Saturday.  I took Nicole to her All Star game (she was always selected for the All Star team)  Both of her Grandmas and our neighbor Carmen came to watch the game.  When we got home I had to bathe Toto. (He had skin problems and needed to be shaved and bathed regularly)  After that I took Nicole to one of her team mates houses for a year end softball team pool party.  After dinner I took Nicole to Elmwood (probably a neighborhood group of kids playing softball) But while going in the fence opening (I had sandels on) I cut my foot open on a jagged wire on the fence.  Jamie ran home and got his mom and she took me to Cottage Hospital and I had 3 stitches and a shot.  On the way home her car broke down. Andy had to come and pick us up.  You can't make this s#@t up.  Some days you are the bug and some days the windshield.

1993 - Kenyan runner Yobes Ondieki became the first man to run 10,000 meters in less than 27 minutes. Wow!!!  Nicole you should get him for Ragnar!

Udan Thani Thailand
The monument to Prince Prajak is located in the centre of the third roundabout. Prince Prajak lived and worked around 1900. He was in charge of the Thai army in the north. At first he was based in Nongkai, which is close to the border with Laos. In 1893, the French moved into Laos. In order to be safer, Prince Prajak decided to move his base further south. He established his base in a small village which is today Udon Thani. This is why Prince Prajak is regarded as the founder of the provincial capital.  zoom in on the photo and tell me what you think.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Dennis P!!

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