Thursday, July 19, 2018

July 19, 2018 Thursday #PraisetheLord#SoulMan#VBS2006#BuddhistorHindu

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:33  "Humility and reverence for the Lord will make you both wise and honored."  This writer says "Father, I feel humbled to come before You in prayer.  Help me turn my focus from myself to be wholeheartedly fixed on You.  My accomplishments, my failures, I give to You.  I pray that others will look past me and see You, my main source of peace and confidence.  May all I do bring You honor and praise."  What she said.

Get Fit
After reading my Bible and the Daily Devotional, it seems like a strange jump to Richard and dancing to the oldies.  But God wants us to keep in shape for what ever comes up that He needs us to do.  Right? 

On this day
2006  I was at work and always loved those little breaks when I could get out of the office to collect money or drop off a bid.  The people in other offices were so pleasant and friendly - it was refreshing.  When I got home I had VBS again, same as last year.  Waynette, Patty J and I had the K - 1rst grades again and it was 15 kids.  If I had a dollar for every year I did VBS I could go to lunch!

1788 - Prices plunged on the Paris stock market. I did not realize there was any stock markets that long ago!!

Udon Thani Thailand  religion

Wat Phra Kaew, a Theravada Buddhist temple, in Bangkok.
A Thai Theravada Buddhist temple (left) and a Chinese folk religion's temple (right), side by side, showing the Thai ad Chinese religious heritage of the country.
The front gate of the Devasathan, the official center of Hinduism in Bangkok.
San Phra Kan is a shrine dedicated to Vishnu of Tai folk religion, located in Lop Buri.
Religion in Thailand is varied. There is no official state religion in the Thai constitution, which guarantees religious freedom for all Thai citizens, though the king is required by law to be Theravada Buddhist. The main religion practised in Thailand is Buddhism, but there is a strong undercurrent of Hinduismwith a class of brahmins having sacerdotal functions.[1] The large Thai Chinese population also practises Chinese folk religions, including Taoism. The Chinese religious movement Yiguandao (ThaiAnuttharatham) spread to Thailand in the 1970s and it has grown so much in recent decades to come into conflict with Buddhism; it is reported that each year 200,000 Thais convert to the religion.[2] Many other people, especially among the Isan ethnic group, practise Tai folk religions. A significant Muslim population, mostly constituted by Thai Malays, is present especially in the southern regions

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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