Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 11, 2018 Wednesday# foreigner#Yogaculture#lightening!#KingorPope?MuangUdonThanimuseum!

Get Faith
Leviticus 19:33-34  "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. ......Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt".  Let's see a show of hands - How many of you have ancestry in the USA that goes back to ancient times?  Are you 100% American Indian?   I am a first generation American, both of my parents were born in Europe.  I was born here so I am American, but still a foreigner.  This is a young country only 242 years old, very young by most standards.  Of course it is a draw to anyone wanting a life of prosperity and freedom.  Most countries on this earth do not offer the advantages that we do and why not?  Why does South America not make an effort to have better standards of living and care for their own?  We go to war with people who cannot run their own countries peace fully, for the sake of their own people.  If you know me, you know I will take care of anyone that I possibly can, I believe families should remain together to solve their own problems and grow.    "do not mistreat them.....Love them as yourself...  Not an easy solution is it?

Get Fit
And so I borrowed from the mid east or China, India - wherever Yoga was born and celebrated that form of exercise.  You can learn so much from other cultures.  Love my AM Yoga.

On this day
1997  I got a new desk!  was the entry on this day.  It was custom built and beautiful.  No, not because the boss liked me.  A week or so prior to this, lightening struck the antennae on the building and went down through the metal structure and into the sewer.  It shook the huge building, blew out the power and shot man hole covers in the yard 20 feet into the air.  Jim was in the shop and knocked backward from the work bench - my computer blew in the office.  I got a new computer right away and set it up and the screen was a beautiful multi colored rainbow.  We found out the metal desk was holding a charge and would have to get rid of I got a new desk.

1346 - Charles IV of Luxembourg was elected Holy Roman Emperor in Germany. Interesting?!  A political being elected to the Holy Roman church in Germany?  

Udon Thani Thailand
Muang Udon Thani museum
The Muang Udon Thani museum is a small museum showing some of the history of Udon Thani we travelled with a tour bus that stops there you can find it outside central plaza entry is free... But they ask for a donation.   Looks like a good place to visit today! And shopping nearby!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy Birthday Dave! and Marcus!

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