Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25, 2018 Wednesday #PeaceoftheLord#Catfun#Normasbirthday#singlecinema

Get Faith
Mark 10:27 "Looking at them, Jesus said, "With people it is impossible, but not with God, for all things are possible with God.""  World peace and healing cancer are two things that come to mind when I read this.  We are totally incapable of having peace.  We cannot get it in our own neighborhood, at work, in our cities and our country is severely divided in it's politics.  I know, if people would all think the same we could have peace - but they don't and honestly they will find something else to disagree and argue until it becomes a war - which we aren't far from in the United States.  There is apparently no happy medium.  So, I'm thinking cancer would be easier to cure.  God gives us the peace and healing that we need for our lives with Him and leaves us to battle out our differences here.

Get Fit
I did Pilates today but had to quit because the cat found his way into the house and decided legs and arms waving in the air was for his entertainment.  Note to self - put lock on garage door.

On this day
2012  Today is my friend Norma's birthday.  We have always made a big deal about it because we feel like family and thought she needed extra attention. (She does) Pam and I have always felt "big sister" to her and want to celebrate her day.  On this day we had a party at Pam's in her yard with her pool.  I made Mojito's and we floated in the pool.  It is a great memory for me and I have a picture to commemorate our friendship.  We always included Ty, her husband in the party but sometime he didn't come.  He did this time, later for the cake.  Happy Birthday Norma from your big sister Nancy.

0326 - Constantine refused to carry out the traditional pagan sacrifices. thank God for that!

Udon Thani Thailand
Plans are afoot to revive Udon Thani's 50-year-old cinema, a symbol of the city's boom years in the 60s and 70s 13 Feb 2017 at 04:30 0 comments NEWSPAPER SECTION: LIFE | WRITER: PHILIP JABLON 

The steady loss of Thailand's once ubiquitous stand-alone cinemas -- structures once symbols of the nation's modern, urban identity -- may soon be getting a break. For the first time in the country's history,...   Progress!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Kelly, Airyan and Norma

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