Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 29, 2018 God'sanswer#Beakid#floatingdesk#education!

Get Faith
Acts 9:6  "Lord, what do You want me to do?"  It amazes me that these reading come up so timely.  I am in a dilemma in my life and have to do something, but I am having a difficult time doing it.  This isn't the first time in my life this has happened - but I hope it is the last.  This world knows how to put you in crisis.   I have been praying for weeks, maybe months for an answer and then I get this  verse.  I have been asking him this all this time, and I do think He has answered me today.  Thy will be done.  When you find yourself in a tough place, be sure to take it to the Lord in prayer.  But.  Just remember that He says yes and no and sometimes the answer is not what you want it to be. 

Get Fit
It is a beautiful day here to get out and walk and breathe in some fresh air.  I was reading a health expert report and it said to be active so that your heart and all of your body gets a lot of oxygen and blood because it works better that way.  In other words be a kid!  Play outside.

On this day
1974  Most of the time in the summer I would go straight to work from Pete's boat.  We lived on it all summer, like people do their cottages.  I have to admit I was very often not real sharp on Monday morning after being on the boat all that time.  My desk felt like it was moving with the tide, if you can imagine that.  Later that day Andy picked up our brother Mark (who was living with me) and took him to get fitted for a tux.  Andy was getting married in August and Mark was standing up for him. 

1588 - The English defeated the Spanish Armada in the Battle of Gravelines. Here's a naval battle for you!  Land and sea and eventually - air!

Udon Thani Thailand


Primary-school students in Thailand
In 2014 the literacy rate was 93.5%.[70] Education is provided by a well-organized school system of kindergartens, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools, numerous vocational colleges, and universities. The private sector of education is well developed and significantly contributes to the overall provision of education which the government would not be able to meet with public establishments. Education is compulsory up to and including age 14, with the government providing free education through to age 17.[citation needed]
Chulalongkorn University, established in 1917, is the oldest university in Thailand.
Teaching relies heavily on rote learning rather than on student-centred methodology. The establishment of reliable and coherent curricula for its primary and secondary schools is subject to such rapid changes that schools and their teachers are not always sure what they are supposed to be teaching, and authors and publishers of textbooks are unable to write and print new editions quickly enough to keep up with the volatility. Issues concerning university entrance has been in constant upheaval for a number of years. Nevertheless, Thai education has seen its greatest progress in the years since 2001. Most of the present generation of students are computer literate. Thailand was ranked 54th out of 56 countries globally for English proficiency, the second-lowest in Asia.[71]  I found this pretty interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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