Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July 18, 2018 Wednesday#GivebacktoGod#Inthegarden#VBS#noPope#Thaimusic!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:2  "May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the  knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."  The Lord is so good to us in all he provides, the earth and everything in and on it, our loved ones - family and friends.  The gifts of education and learning everyday to have a better life and be better people.  Our gifts to the Lord are in service and teaching His Word to others.  We should live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and reflects His love to us.  It  also means praising the Lord in song prayer and study.  The church is the bride of Jesus Christ, it is the mother of our religion here on earth where we have our babies baptized and teach them the stories in the Bible.  It should also be a place of reaching out to those who do not have faith and who need care in this world.  It doesn't matter if the church is a high spiraled cathedral or a home gathering - as long as God is present.

Get Fit
I went out to the yard early today before the sun was on my east garden.  I was covered with socks, long pants, a long sleeved shirt and gloves.  I was determined to clean out the garden that had been run over with morning glory - a sweet little vine with pretty white flowers that covers and chokes out all the plants that you paid good money for at the nursery.  I could barely see many of the plants there.  Needless to say I lost a few good plants in my desire to rid the garden of the vine, the clover, the poison ivy and every thing else I couldn't identify.  It was truly a workout.  Then I stripped in the laundry room put the clothes in the washer and went and scrubbed down in the shower.  Wish me luck!  And, oh, thank you God for flowers (but not morning glory and poison ivy).

On this day
2005  Waynette and I were enjoying at week at VBS - Vacation Bible School at church.  We had the Kindergarten and 1rst graders.  We loved this group and there are always a lot at this age.  AND very often, which happened this time a preschooler wants to stay with their sibling in an older grade.  We had one of those this year.  A toddler that had to be carried around (to keep from crying) and finally went to sleep in my arms half way through.  Waynette had to handle the hands on stuff with the other kids until someone finally stepped  in and took the sleeper.  Love VBS!

1536 - The authority of the pope was declared void in England. Wow, that couldn't have gone well.

Udon Thani Thailand music
The music of Thailand reflects its geographic position at the intersection of China and India, and reflects trade routes that have historically included Persia, Africa, Greece and Rome. Thai musical instruments are varied and reflect ancient influence from far afield - including the klong thap and khim (Persian origin), the jakhe (Indian origin), the klong jin (Chinese origin), and the klong kaek (Indonesian origin). Though Thailand was never colonized by colonial powerspop music and other forms of modern AsianEuropean and American music have become extremely influential. The two most popular styles of traditional Thai music are luk thung and mor lam; the latter in particular has close affinities with the music of Laos.
Aside from the Thai, ethnic minorities such as the LaoLawaHmongAkhaKhmerLisuKaren and Lahu peoples have retained traditional musical forms.
Go to Youtube Best Song in Thailand ! Catchy

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adam, Shannon and Jim F!!

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