Friday, July 13, 2018

July 13, 2018 Friday#ChildrenofFaith#workitout#Loyalemployeeunappreciated#Thai-Chinese!

Get Faith
Matthew 10:42  "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." Sunday School teachers rejoice!!!  lol.  Children were mostly disregarded in the Bible, except when they were mourned by their parents.  I think the mortality rate was so high that they didn't want to get attached.  But, Jesus did, and he realized the importance of the children for the future of His church - the faith in God, the family of believers.  Now you may not think organized religion is something you want to get involved with but, what about your children?  Are you giving them all they need for a solid foundation of faith that they will need through their lives?  Or is it a "yeah, they believe in God" kind of thing?

Get Fit
Did an all over workout today - legs, arms, and abs, which would include back.  I like to have the strength to carry that heavy water can around to water my plants in the yard without falling and hoping someone will come to my rescue.  The day may come but, not yet.

On this day
1999  Working for a construction company was an interesting situation.  As the only person in the office with any financial - construction law type of information, which the boss gave me to learn.  I had to go to a lot of company's to deliver paperwork and sign paperwork to pick up a check.  On this day I went to Southfield, where I had gone plenty of times before to pick up a check.  We had been working with them on multiple projects and their people and I had it down to a science.  AND it got me out of the office.  The boss always looked at me suspiciously when I would tell him I had to go over there, like I was having an affair with someone in that office.  I might or might not have fueled that fire.

1534 - The Ottoman armies captured Tabriz in northwestern Persia. There goes those Ottomans again!

Udon Thani Thailand

Thai-Chinese Cultural Centre Udon Thani

The Thai-Chinese Cultural Centre in Udon Thani was opened after five and a half years of construction on the 6th of January-2013. The aim of the institution is to preserve the art, culture, lifestyle and philosophical principles of the ancestors of today's Udon Thani Thai-Chinese community.

The Museum of Morality is fully equipped with modern, interactive displays and a 3D movie about the history of the Chinese community in Udon Thani, and about Confucius, the Pu-Ya faith and the PUYA Foundation.
Thai-Chinese Cultural Center Udon Thani  Thai-Chinese Cultural Center Udon Thani  Thai-Chinese Cultural Center Udon Thani
What a bright beautiful place this is!!!!

Enjoy the day!!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Erika!!

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