Friday, July 27, 2018

July 27, 2018 Friday #Pilatesinterrupted#unkindwords#Checkups#Savetheelephants!

Get Fit
Often I feel like there are forces working against me.  I was 10 minutes into the Pilates workout when the computer rewound or whatever it does and went back into the log in page.  Well 10 minutes is better than nothing I guess.  (I' m  easily foiled)

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:22  "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."  I needed this reminder this morning.  When someone says something to you that you interpret as a dig it can be upsetting.  I am trying to think of it without any malice but having a difficult time.  I would just like to get back to the cheerful heart and forget it.  Have you had an incident when you thought you have been ridiculed, but aren't sure if you misread it?  What did you do?

On this day
2017  Last year, I was working occasionally at CK but had an appointment with my oncologist.  I had the cancer surgery earlier this year and had 3 month check ups to make sure it wasn't coming back.  He said on this day, there was no sign of it - we looked good for another 3 months.  This will go on for five years.  With as many friends as I have had with cancer I have a hard time not worrying.  I am beginning to realize it has a profound effect on my life "a cancer survivor", so far.  Make sure you keep your regular check ups!  I have another CT scan next month for an update.

1214 - At the Battle of Bouvines in France, Philip Augustus of France defeated John of England. When you get disgusted with the current state of affairs look to our history and understand it is our true nature to war.

Udon Thani Thailand


The population of Asian elephants in Thailand's wild has dropped to an estimated 2,000–3,000.[65]
The elephant is Thailand's national symbol. Although there were 100,000 domesticated elephants in Thailand in 1850, the population of elephants has dropped to an estimated 2,000.[65] Poachers have long hunted elephants for ivory and hides, and now increasingly for meat.[66] Young elephants are often captured for use in tourist attractions or as work animals, although their use has declined since the government banned logging in 1989. There are now more elephants in captivity than in the wild, and environmental activists claim that elephants in captivity are often mistreated.[67]
Poaching of protected species remains a major problem. Hunters have decimated the populations of tigersleopards, and other large cats for their valuable pelts. Many animals (including tigers, bears, crocodiles, and king cobras) are farmed or hunted for their meat, which is considered a delicacy, and for their supposed medicinal properties. Although such trade is illegal, the famous Bangkok market Chatuchak is still known for the sale of endangered species.[68]
The practice of keeping wild animals as pets threatens several species. Baby animals are typically captured and sold, which often requires killing the mother. Once in captivity and out of their natural habitat, many pets die or fail to reproduce. Affected populations include the Asiatic black bearMalayan sun bearwhite-handed larpileated gibbon and binturong.[69]  This is a not so great thing to find out
about this months location.  From 100,000 elephants to 2,000 - 3,000?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Save the elephants!


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