Monday, July 2, 2018

July 2, 2018 Monday#Healthylife#Corestrength#healthabuse#Hotspot!

Get Faith
Psalm 52:8  "But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever."  It has been really hot here by Michigan standards.  I have had to move some plants into protective custody so they survive!  I water the potted plants heavily every early morning and most are doing okay, only because they are cared for.  My new grass in coming in because I water it thoroughly at night before I go to bed.  It often takes a lot of work to care for a yard.  Now think of how much care God has taken with you.  He has kept you all this time, but we very often don't make his work easier.  Take care of yourself, don't abuse your health, make God's job a little easier and thank Him for the life you have.

Get Fit
I gripe and complain about my aches and pains but I can still keep up with the Pilates moves.  After abusing my health by smoking, drinking and eating fast food, etc, I am lucky to be in the shape I am.  I'm pretty sure God has had a hand in this.

On this day
1984  Here is an example of THAT life.  After spending the weekend up in St Helen drinking and partying, this was a Monday and I had to get into the office and get month end done.  The statements had to go out.  Those days were tough with my body fighting back from the abuse.  I had IBS all through my 20's and 30's, which caught up with me later.  After work I headed to Wyandotte where there was going to be a boat race the next weekend.  There was a boat club meeting at Portside. "How do we do it day after day"? 

1625 - The Spanish army took Breda, Spain, after nearly a year of siege. Sounds like they got their own back.

Udon Thani Thailand


The city's economy was boosted by the proximity to Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base during the Vietnam War and retains reminders of that time in the form of bars, coffee shops, and hotels. "Udon sort of became like Pattaya when the GIs arrived," said a local architect...Restaurants serving Western cuisine, hotels and nightclubs sprouted up everywhere to meet their needs. It was an extremely busy city back then."[2]
The BBC has reported that Udon Thani's Royal Air Force Base was the site of a CIA black site, known to insiders as "Detention Site Green", used to interrogate Abu Zubaydah, a 31-year-old Saudi-born Palestinian, believed to be one of Osama Bin Laden's top lieutenants. In December 2014 the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) published an executive summary of a secret 6,000 page report on CIA techniques. The report alleges that at least eight Thai senior officials knew of the secret site. The site was closed in December 2002.[3]
Earlier reports alleged that a Voice of America relay station in a rural area of Udon Thani Province, Ban Dung District, was the CIA black site   Sounds like a hot spot of activity!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Trevor!

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