Monday, July 9, 2018

July 9, 2018 Monday#Meditation#essentialoils#ledbyGod#beautifulcollege!

Get Faith
Mark 6:31  "And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while."
Now you have to admit, that sounds good.  I have started reading the Bible and spending time first thing in the morning to do this but, my history is such that I have a million things on my mind and have a terrible time in calm meditation.  Life is hard to interrupt but give it a try, you will benefit from it immensely.

Get Fit
This is about the essential oils.  My friends are into these and have even bought me some as gifts.  Pam put peppermint on the back on my neck in Scotland and it really helped to ease the pain of sitting in that bus for long periods of time.  Never say never when looking for healthy natural solutions to physical pains.  God's creation is far reaching.

On this day
1992 I had gone to work and then Nicole and I went to our church picnic at Spindler Park.  St Paul's was a very small congregation but as often happens the smaller ones are more like family and hang close together in all they do.  This congregation was basically "wagons circled" in opposition to their Pastor and so Nicole and I left this congregation, this family and went to First English Ev. Lutheran Church after a few years.  I feel like God led us away as it turned into a better youth experience for Nicole and years later after another incident - God led her to yet another "better" place.  If a church has a negative effect on your relationship with God - listen to Him to lead you.

0455 - Avitus, the Roman military commander in Gaul, became Emperor of the West. 
Solidus Avitus Arles (obverse).jpg  "Give to Rome what is Romes"

Udon Thani Thailand
Udon Thani Rajabhat University


  • 1923: School founded as the "Teacher Training School in Agriculture Udon Thani".
  • 1930: Its name was changed to "Teacher Training School" (men-only initially).
  • 1958: Name changed to "Udon Thani Teachers' Training School".
  • 1960: Upgraded in status to "Udon Thani Teachers' College".
  • 1975: Following passage of the "Teachers' College Act", Udon Thani Teachers' College was permitted to offer bachelor's degrees.
  • 1992: King Bhumibol Adulyadej granted the name "Rajabhat Institute" ("Rajabhat" means "people of the king") to teachers' colleges nationwide.
  • 2003: In 2003 the "Rajabhat University Act" was passed.
  • 2004: Udon Thani Rajabhat Institute assumed university status on 15 June and adopted the new name "Udon Thani Rajabhat University".[1]  A teaching college for future teachers!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Tillie and Noah!!

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