Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 26, 2018 Thursday #Loveyourself#Runnerseuphoria#CaaptpainKoolandpool#Phuket

Get Faith
Romans 13:9  "Love your neighbor as yourself."  Too often we don't love ourselves - so then what?  The search for love, the everyday stuff - your family, your dog, your friends doesn't always include loving yourself.  We know that by how many people are on meds for depression and the number of suicides we hear about.  If you base your joy on substance - on this earth, you may very well be disappointed.  Even people with millions of dollars and beautiful homes are not happy and commit suicide which should tell you that "stuff" isn't the answer to happiness.  The inner joy and peace that God teaches in the Bible is the best source of love for yourself and to share with others.  The simple act of caring is a seed to love.  I know quite a few people that indeed love their neighbor MORE than themselves.  God loves you and that should be the best start to loving yourself.

Get Fit
Another good way to fight depression is exercise.  Have you heard of runners euphoria?  I have never had it I'm not a runner - but I will ask Nicole.

On this day
2013  I had hired and set up Pat's office at Captain Kool for the summer.  I was only  going in for 4 to 5 hours to get them going and then I would come home to enjoy my retirement.  Every year is a different scenario with that place.  As Pat says "if it was easy everyone would do it".  True.  Later in the day Nicole had brought home a pool and put it up a couple days before.  It was maybe 2 feet deep and 12' around.  It took two days to fill it with water - then there is the chemicals, a pan to wash feet before going in - the assorted things that went with the filter and on this day we decided to get the rafts and a beer and try it out.  It was way cold and we stood in it for 10 minutes or so and drank a beer and laughed at ourselves.  You can still barely see the circle where the pool was from the new grass, the pool was put up a couple more years after that I think.

1788 - New York became the 11th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. 11th?  I thought NY was a front runner back in those days.

Udon Thani Thailand
The Andaman Sea is a precious natural resource as it hosts the most popular and luxurious resorts in Asia. PhuketKrabiRanongPhang Nga and Trang, and their islands, all lay along the coasts of the Andaman Sea and, despite the 2004 tsunami, they remain a tourist magnet for visitors from around the world.Big Buddha monument overlooking Phuket.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Amy, Yehiel and Walter!!

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