Tuesday, July 17, 2018

July 17, 2018 Tuesday#Zelophedad'sdaughters#Strong#Family#Thaifoodorigins!

Get Faith
Numbers 27 Zelophedad's Daughters  This is about a man who did not have sons, only daughters.  They were descendants of Joseph.  Their father died in the desert and so as women they were left out of the community with no man.  They went to Moses who then took the situation to God and God spoke to Moses and said "If a man dies and leave no son, turn his inheritance over to his daughter." God did not discount the women or suggest they be servants or left out of the community.  He gave them their inheritance as daughters of their fathers.  As God He could do that.  If God does not dismiss women than neither should anyone else.  The inheritance is ours.

Get Fit
As a strong woman who has always provided for myself and my daughter and family, I know I need to always stay strong.  So this morning I worked out with Jillian and after reading that passage I think it inspired me to push myself farther than I have ever got in this circuit training.  Thanks God!

On this day
2004  My niece Lindsey came over, probably to see Grandma.  I cleaned house and mowed the lawn.  She left but then came back for dinner.  Those years between youth and adulthood, when, you are lucky to see the daughters, sons, nieces, nephews, soon change.  Grandma was always so happy to see them.  Well, these were college years for Nicole, but she came home a lot so Grandma saw her often but I'm sure she was thrilled to spend some time with Lindsey on this day.  (I liked seeing her too.)  Later in the evening my friend Norma stopped by with her niece Alexsis who was still too young to object.

1453 - France defeated England at Castillon, France, which ended the 100 Years' War. I have to wonder how long before the next war started.

Udon Thani Thailand


Until 1939, the country we call Thailand was known as Siam. It was the only Southeast Asian country never colonized by the West. This helped Thailand to maintain its own special cuisine (cooking style). However, that cuisine had already been influenced by Thailand's Asian neighbors.
The Thai (pronounced TIE) people migrated to their present homeland from southern China about 2,000 years ago. They brought with them the spicy cooking of their native Yunan province, as well as its dietary staple, rice. Other Chinese influences on Thai cooking included the use of noodles, dumplings, soy sauce, and other soy products. Like the Chinese, the Thais based their recipes on blending five basic flavors: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and hot.
From nearby India came not only the Buddhist religion, but also spicy seasonings such as cumin, cardamom, and coriander, as well as curry dishes. The Malays, to the south, further shared seasonings, as well as their love of coconuts and the satay (a dish that is similar to shish kebabs). Since 1970, Thai cooking has become extremely popular in both North America and Britain.

Read more: http://www.foodbycountry.com/Spain-to-Zimbabwe-Cumulative-Index/Thailand.html#ixzz5LWJt4cYU

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

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