Friday, July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018 Friday#lookattheheart#strapsnap#example#piratelife#ChaoPu-Ya

Get Faith
Two readings today with similar messages.  Numbers 13 speaks of the Lord telling Moses to send out men from every tribe to explore the land of Canaan.  When they came back they gave the report of a land of milk and honey, with food and grapes for wine.  But they reported that the people  there were bigger and stronger looking than they were.
 Then in 1 Samuel 16  God sends Samuel to anoint a king over Israel.  Samuel goes to Bethlehem to Jesse to search for God's choice.  Samuel saw Eliab and assumed by looking at him that he, surely, was God's choice, when it was in fact the youngest son David that God had chosen.  I'm thinking of the old adage "don't judge a book by it cover." We too often judge a person's worth by how they appear to us - finely dressed or highly educated,or how much $ they have.  God looks at the heart. We should too.

Get Fit
Tried to keep up with the girls and the resistance bands this morning.  You can feel the effects immediately on your legs and abs.  Must work.

On this day
1989  I worked at Quality so I took Nicole to Mom's for the day.  They were both happy with the arrangement.  When I got home my dear mother picked up Kentucky Fried chicken for our dinner.  Mark and Marty were both out.  I cleaned up, watered the yard then took Nicole and Toto for a walk.  I know Moms' days are so full, but looking back at it now I'm glad I did all that I could, not only because I had to but because of the life style and choices it showed my daughter.  How loving family take care of each other and the world around them.  Set a good example of peace and love with your children.

1699 - Captain William Kidd, the pirate, was captured in Boston, MA, and deported back to England. Wonder what his childhood was like.

Udon Thani Thailand
The Chao Pu-Ya Chinese Spirit Shrine is located on Nittayo Road behind the train station near Nong Bua Market, in Mak Khaeng, Udon Thani.It is a large and beautiful Chinese spirit shrine and it has a small garden beside a lotus pond. Two Chinese pavilions stand in the pond, serving as a view point in pleasant and shady surroundings. The golden dragon, 99m long, used during the Thung Si Mueang annual fair in December, is also kept here.  Looks beautiful let's check it out today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Fiona and Jim!

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