Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015 Tuesday #Gentleness #R&R

Get Fit
Try this - stand tall with your weights in each hand at your shoulders.  Lift your left arm straight up with your weight on left leg and your right hip raises then go to right arm.  Do 10 repetitions two times. It is a rocking motion, feels great on the back, and exercises arms and shoulders.

Get Faith
Proverbs chapter 31 - A Gentlewoman.  A woman that holds her family together and works for the good of all.  A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  Gentleness and Kindness

On This Day
2012  Nicole and her friend and I were up at my friend Chris's place near Traverse City.  The girls were kayaking, Chris had golf and I was happy on the dock watching the water, so relaxing.  It is great to have a friend that you don't feel that you have to entertain or be entertained by when in each others company.  Chris is family to me. 

1841 - The Erie Railroad rolled out its first passenger train.  Take a train ride this summer, wonder if this is still in the works?  Saw an ad for a private train out of Van Couver that looked really nice!

I worked yesterday at the place Nicole used to work at.  I miss working with her on that one or two days a month.  The new girl Lisa asked me if I missed Nicole and I do, but am so happy for where she is.  Another girl was there, Gena who is usually at the California location but is helping out. Gena and Nicole worked together before this and Gena had great things to say about Nicole and told Lisa.  It is great feed back for a parent.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     Adam started working extra jobs at a nursery and a gas station, plus he played in a band for special occasions.  He was only 18 and could only do so much.  He was lost without his dad.  It’s too bad he didn’t decide to go to college because now he thought he had to be the man of the house and assume all the responsibility that went with that.
Mauritania Africa
Packing up and leaving this place.  I found it to be interesting because of its diversity and history.  As American's we are cautioned to not physically visit this place due to the hotbed of terrorist activity there.  We know the future of countries that live with this situation. They have to go through a lot of  hostility and fighting, their economy and everything they have achieved so far is lost to greed and hatred.  My heart goes out to those of Mauritania that will lose their identity and history of who they were and could have been.  Moving tomorrow to Motherwell Scotland.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Emily!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 29, 2015 Monday #2014communalchildraising

Work today here's a flashback:

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014 Sunday First Day of Ramadan

Going out to Christ Lutheran with Nicole. 
Sermon was about Peter and Paul, who both were executed on this day for their great faith in Jesus Christ.  Thank God for these two saints that gave our faith such a great start so many years ago.

On this day: last year

 2013 - I haven't moved in 37 years.  Before that I moved a lot and am happy to be right where I am, but people around me are still moving.  Last year on this day, Jan was moving to Florida so Aaron brought some of her stuff over here to store, then Nicole had to go help Craig because he had moved back from Chicago.  I'm glad its not me, and I hope I never have to move again, I like my spot in the world.  How about you?  Think you would like a change or stay put?
1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia. Deja Vu.

Parenting - Communal child raising.  I was at Sears last night, with what appeared to be many Mom's shopping with kids night.  As I was checking out there was a mom ahead of me with 3 kids and one behind with I don't know how many.  The one ahead said "Oh, I forgot something, I wonder where I left my mind sometime".  I said "You have 3 children no explanations are necessary."  She turned and hollered at 3 other children playing by the escalator, their mom was nor paying attention at the time and waved thank you to the lady ahead of me. (They did not know each other).  I was thinking of that when I got off the escalator and hollered at  two very small girls going for the escalator not to go near it.  Their moms waved a thank you to me.  Communal child raising.

Book Club - Animal Farm by George Orwell.  See how many of these I can get through.

Abidjan - Last day here before we head off to new horizons. 
Much maligned, and for a number of years, neglected, the Zoo National d'Abidjan is being rehabilitated, by a team of local and international volunteers, under the auspices of a Luxumbourg NGO The Association du Calao, and the support of the Swiss Governement.  In 20 years the Zoo saw its population decline from over 500 animals and 50+ species, to 170 animals, and 23 species.  That decline has now been stopped, and reversed, and the Zoo is beginning to shine.  There is still much to be done, but you can be guaranteed an interesting visit. You will no longer leave the Zoo with tears in your eyes, but joy in your heart.
Forest Elephant called CAN

June 28, 2015 Sunday #

Get Fit
Cool today  Take a nice relaxing walk to a local restaurant.

Get Faith
Going to church this morning.  Praise God!  He loves us so much and provides everyday!

On this day
2008 - My buddy Fitz and I went to Morelli's in Marine City for breakfast.  We did most Saturday mornings and I wish I could go today.  It isn't hard to make a good breakfast, but Morelli's was right on the river and had a regular clientele that always chatted with everyone.  Go for a morning ride some day and try it!

2007 - The American bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list. This was the best news I could find on this day in all those years.

Fur babies are just like our children.  We get so attached to them and like our children sometime let them get away with murder.  Most couples that I know that don't have children end up with dogs or cats.  There is an unanswered need to nurture that we have to fill.  Pets fill that need.  What do you have in your house?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     Life in our family changed dramatically for all of us.  Even though he was hardly ever home and when he was, he was sleeping or behind the newspaper.  We lost our Mom at home too, because Dad was not insured.  There was no money saved and no rich relative to step in and say “let me help”.  If I had an attitude before Dad died it certainly got worse. 
Mauritania Africa
Last couple of days here lets see what else we can find. Oh, by the way the dish I posted yesterday was delicious, but I used Rice A Roni Spanish rice with chopped tomatoes and sliced carrot and the put the tilapia on top!  Really good!
More Mauritania Africa videos  These video's are very educational!  Watch

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Tommy,

Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 26, 2015 Saturday #workout#kindness#food

Get Fit
Did 5 circuits with Jillian this morning.  That girl can work you out!.  Her video's are everywhere - get yourself one and some weights.  She works with 3 lbs because of the intensity of the workouts.

Get Faith
Romans chapter 4 " The Weak and the Strong - Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters."  This is all about, not judging others - that is Jesus' job.  We are to encourage one another in gentleness and kindness.

On this Day
2007 - I am always busy I had VBS -I took the middle schoolers  to a church member's pool for a swim.  It was a hot night and they loved it.  I also noticed that I called mom after work.  Nicole had graduated from college in May, and wasn't home, so not only did I miss her and all the activity we had, but so did Grandma.

0363 - The death of Roman Emperor Julian brought an end to the Pagan Revival.  There is a lot I could say here, but I won't. Uh,  I don't think it ended.  Had to say.

It is so hard to not be judgmental.  We all have opinions and want to share them with someone who doesn't share ours.  Especially our children.  The Bible study writer mentioned they were always trying to get their sibling to stop smoking, we all know how hard that is. There is no easy approach to getting someone to stop a bad/damaging habit.  And certainly being judgmental toward them is the wrong way - ooops sorry, my opinion.  What is your opinion?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     The political world was making decisions, not that I cared.  September 26 – The leading candidates for President of the United States, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, made the first televised debate.  I wondered who my dad would have voted for.  September 30 – The television animated sitcom, The Flintstones premiers on ABC.  Which of these two programs had the highest viewer numbers?  Is it me – or were we all shallow?
Thieboudienne, ceebu jen, or thiéboudiène is a traditional dish from Senegal. It is made from fish, rice and tomato sauce. Other ingredients often include onions, carrots, cabbage, cassava and peanut oil. These ingredients are common in the country. The name of the dish comes from Wolof words meaning "rice" (ceeb) and "fish" (jën).[1]
White Thieboudienne.JPG
Red Thieboudienne.JPG
Thieboudienne, ceebu jen, or thiéboudiène is a traditional dish from Senegal. It is made from fish, rice and tomato sauce. Other ingredients often Ok  lets try it!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Friday, June 26, 2015

June 26, 2015 Friday! #unfit#gentleness#advice

Get Fit
I'm not fit for anything today - too much Jimmy Buffet Concert.  Got a lot of aerobics activity in last night though!

Get Faith
John chapter 13- This is where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples.  It was common practice in those days for a servant to wash guests feet when they came to your house.  So this act was one of service.  He told us to wash each others feet.  He wants us to serve one another as de did in his death and suffering and returning to life so that we may have eternal life. 

On this day
2004 - My neighbor Rox told me they were moving.  I hate it when people move away.  First I get mad, maybe take it as a personal affront.  Then it's just sad.  We always say we will keep in touch, and we do kind of, but it is never the same.  Now my neighbors Ty and Shannon have a sign on their lawn.  We will keep in touch.

1819 - The bicycle was patented by W.K. Clarkson, Jr. I should get my bicycle fixed.  Go for a ride!

Do as I say not as I do.  My cousin Kay has a birthday coming up and her son got her a ticket to the Jimmy Buffet concert last night they had an extra ticket - so of course I went.  Her son John and 2 of his friends, Chris and Matt and Leah - all much younger than I - but I had the best time, just ask them.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
The funeral home was packed for two days.  The funeral had so many cars that while the hearse and family car pulled up at the gravesite , there were still cars in the procession, three blocks down Gratiot pulling out of the funeral home parking lot.   His death had impacted not only his wife and family but many others as well.  His death had a huge impact on my life and which road I decided to go down, although some direction choices had already started.
Mauritania Africa
Last few days here lets see what we can find:
chingetti  This site had a lot of great pictures! 
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Dale and Michael

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25, 2015 Thursday #flashback

Busy day  Funeral, kids day camp and Jimmy Buffet concert.  Here is a previous blog.

Shared privately  -  Jun 25, 2013
Total Body Workout with Kathy Smith - I think that's what I'm getting at VBS.  only did the aerobic section this morning.

Philippians chapter 2- the joy of serving.  Whether it is entertaining or working in a homeless shelter.  The satisfaction of doing something for someone else is especially gratifying.  Jesus was all about this.

1994 - on this day.  My brother and his wife were going up north, so they took Nicole to meet up with the Vandenboom family.  Nicole's friend Laura's family had moved up to Traverse City and the girls missed each other terribly.  They eventually moved back to the area and the girls resumed their friendship. This was that first trip Nicole took without me, at 9, first of many.  Also 4 years ago today the great Michael Jackson passed,  I thought he was a great talent, the media thought he was great news.

Odemira - To be sure Portugal's main trading partners are still it's European partners, which buy more then 70% of it's goods.  but purchase from it former colonies are quickly increasing based on their emerging economic muscle. (Christian Science Monitor)

Parenting - Nicole and her friend Laura had a binding relationship.  They met in Kindegarten and graduated high school together.  Good friends, excellent students, creative, fun and well liked.  Laura is now Laurence  and as you know Nicole is gay.  I think they knew that about each other very early on and it cemented the bond.  It isn't something they decided on, or something that "happened" to them. It is who they are.  And, they are great!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

June 24, 2015 Discovery Day #kindness#gentleness#Pleasant#fish

Get Fit
Took a walk this morning, so beautiful a morning.  I am sadly lagging in my 10,000 steps a day program.  I thought doing day camp with elementary kids would do it, but the sessions are all at tables.  Not much moving.  Exercising our minds today. 

Get Faith
Psalm 23 - Gentleness and kindness.  We all know this psalm.  You hear it at every funeral.  That is because it is so comforting.  When things aren't going well - remind yourself "The Lord is my Shepherd - I lack nothing."  Lie down in the pasture and hear the brook and know that he will be with you always.  You prepare a table before me......

On this day
1977 - I went out to pick up lunch for the office at Quality Picture Frame.  I was rear ended in an accident.  I had a Maverick.  I don't ever recall owning a Maverick - and I had whip lash.  No wonder my neck hurts all the time.  Do you have a car that you don't remember?  Think about that.

1869 - Mary Ellen "Mammy" Pleasant officially became the Vodoo Queen in San Francisco, CA.  A little useless information.  Her name was what caught my attention - Pleasant Vodoo Queen.?

I have been seeing all these little girls at day camp with their hair braided, beaded and done in ways I know takes a lot of time, with Mom sitting and daughter probably between her knees.  I see it as an act of love, time together that when I have asked - all the little girls enjoy.  Can I hear from someone else about this?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     Donald Robertson was a young man, only 40 years old and well loved by everyone.  He was the youngest of his 5 siblings and the smartest by their account.  He had a huge heart, always looking out for everyone and was available if anyone needed a hand. 
     He was there if they needed help building a garage or house.  When you needed to move Dad always was there to help, even though he had a bad back.  He was a man’s man – loved to fish, hunt, play golf and go to stag outings with the guys.  He smoked and drank and everyone loved him.
Mauritania Africa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=X00zPPhiooY Fishing in Mauritania is a huge job and food provider but is being hurt by huge fishing company's that come in and take all the fish.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kathy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 23, 2015 Tuesday #kindness#scuba#Racing#noinlawsfordinner

Get Fit
Try a plank, it is like a push up but you don't push up.  Turn your toes under and raise us off the floor, put your elbows under your shoulders and raise up - or you can go up on your hands.  Hold yourself in this plank position for 1 minute - 3 times.  Harder than it sounds.  They say it is a great all over strengthener.

Get Faith
Jeremiah chapter 31 - these next few studies are on gentleness and kindness.  "I will be your God and you will be my people".  God continues to keep us, guide us, protect us and love us till the end.  His loving kindness is unequaled.  We just need to stay with him and remember his daily.

On this day
1974 Pete had decided to take up scuba diving.  His parents and I went with him to Ohio to watch.  Well you couldn't really see them, but you could wait for them to come up.  He did but it was the end of diving for him.  His ears wouldn't tolerate the depth.  Anybody else have experience with this?

1904 - The first American motorboat race got underway on the Hudson River in New York. this is something Pete and I did together starting in 1972. 

Watched a great video of a mom that was stuck at home with her small daughter, school was closed down and might have been due to a snowstorm.. By the sounds of it, the mother was lucky to still have her sense of humor after watching Frozen so many times and hear the song.  Loved the Mom's face when she sang along "LET IT GO - LET IT GO' LET IT GO!". 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     Adam let out a loud yell and went to his room, where you could hear him still yelling and crying.  Aunt Alice sat with her arm around my shoulders while Martin stood watching with all the understanding of a three year old.  I held him in my arms and sobbed.  
Mauritania Africa Art
A group of women painting a hut. Mauritanian houses have few wall decorations and sparse furniture.
A group of women painting a hut. Mauritanian houses have few wall decorations and sparse furniture.
meal is lunch among black Africans, whereas Arab-Berbers have the main meal in the evening. Breakfast consists of milk and cereal with French bread and butter. People use a lot of oil in cooking and sugar in drinks. Eating almost always takes place at home. It is not acceptable to eat with or in the presence of one's in-laws, and eating with the left hand is forbidden.

Read more: http://www.everyculture.com/Ma-Ni/Mauritania.html#ixzz3dtpLBT46

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015 Monday #PatienceKodachromeCamp

Get Fit
Starting the week slow - with AM yoga.  Saw the Yogi's in Times Square yesterday celebrating the Summer Solstice.  I have put myself on a walking program, trying to work up to 10,000 steps a day.  Wish me luck.

Get Faith
Luke chapter 11 - There is a lot of Jesus' teachings here in this chapter.  It also includes the teaching of the Lord's Prayer.  This is the last study on patience and to me this reading sounds like Jesus was almost out of patience with his followers.  To the lawyers he said they were a hindrance rather than help.  Believe for yourself, study for yourself, pray on your faith and be patient for answers.

On this day
1968 - My fiancé Don and I went to a bar to help his cousin Butch celebrate his 21st birthday.  As often happens when people drink too much it ended with a brawl.  They needed patience

2009 - Eastman Kodak Company announced that it would discontinue sales of the Kodachrome Color Film. Can we still sing the song?  Was it Seals and Croft?

Going today to help my friend Sue with a day camp.  She always comes up with the best things to do, not sure if the kids or I enjoy it more. 

Come Get These Memories - of the sixties

After the surgery on Monday, I was home with Martin, after school and my brother Adam had just came in from one of the jobs he worked when the car pulled up in the driveway.  Mom came in with Dad’s suitcase, followed by Aunt Alice.  They were both crying and mom went to the bedroom.  Aunt Alice sat down to break the news.  She still had a small Scottish burr in her speech and I can hear her saying through sniffs and sobs.  It was her little brother after all.    
     “I’m sorry to tell ye that your father died today.” She said while trying to keep her composure and be strong for us children.  “Something went wrong and he died.” 
Mauritania Africa  education


The first system of public education in Mauritania was established by the French colonial administration. The first schools were largely concentrated in the sedentary communities of the Sénégal River Valley. In 1950, the first teacher training school was established at Boutilimit, and in 1957, the secondary school in Rosso also began training teachers. In part because public schools were concentrated in the south, black Africans enrolled in large numbers. As a result, the overwhelming majority of public school teachers were black, and the nation's secular educated class was dominated by black people.[1]
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! Happy Birthday Janet and Alex!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015 First Day of Summer & Fathers Day Sunday!

Get Fit
A day of rest.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians chapter 4 - Patience.  Life if full of struggles but God helps us to find the strength to deal with it.  We remember "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

On This Day
2014 - I did a lot of visiting on this day and then ended up at the Double D to see Round Town Funky Bunch play.  Craig, Nicole's friend plays in the band - old rock and roll, great music.  The Double D is a nice bar/restaurant on the Clinton River with a deck right out on the water.  Nice place to go.

1942 - Ben Hogan recorded the lowest score (to that time) in a major golf tournament. Hogan shot a 271 for 72 holes in Chicago, IL. A little golf info for Dads' and all golfers - Nicole.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's out there. I have known some great dads.  My Dad was a great dad for his generation.  They weren't expected to get too involved with raising the kids, that was women's work.  My brother was an excellent father, he provided for his family and spent more time with his girls then many dads did.  My friend Don is a great Dad and Papa, he is always there when they need him.  My son Aaron is a devoted dad to his two sons and daughter.  I think more emphasis is put on being an involved dad these days than before now.  It takes two fully involved parents to raise children anymore.  Glad the media is getting into this quest. (I'm not always glad about their opinions)

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     I do wonder what Dad thought of his only daughter.  I was beginning to fill out into a young woman wearing fitted dresses and high heels and looking much older than my 13 years and having that attitude to go with it.  All I could think of was getting to that wedding and finding someone to do The Twist with that Chubby Checker had taught us all to do.   It was the last time I ever saw my dad alive, from the parking lot to the 6th floor window.  Appropriate entry from this book for this day I guess, but sad.
Mauritania Africa family
Family Units
The family unit in Mauritania is a bit different than what you might find "normal" or "average" in the United States. For starters, many times the number of children in a given family can be upwards of 5 or 6. From the families I've seen, I would say it is rare to find a family with only a couple of kids. (I have met though one lady who is an only child.) Another main difference is that, although not universal, polygamy is not only practiced, but culturally acceptable according to Islam - a man is allowed up to 4 wives, but cannot take a second unless he is able to fully provide for both families. That being the case, in a family where there are multiple wives (and children), sometimes one wife will live with her children in one home, and another wife will live with their children in another home. The husband can sort of float from one house to another. Please don't assume that this is the most common practice in Mauritania... only that it does exist. I would say that polygamist family units are in the minority, but certainly I know of many examples. I believe this trend is on the decline as divorces are quite common-place here. From what I've heard and seen, the divorce rate is about the same as in the USA. I know one lady here in town that has been married 6 times. That is obviously not the norm either, but it is an example of how common divorces can be. WEll that's interesting!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!   

Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 20, 2015 Saturday #toobusy

Going to help Don find new blinds for his living room this morning - then to Maddie's dance recital, the Logan's graduation party and finally to the Irish Fest in Redford.  That is enough exercise for today. 

This is the Blog from 2 years ago today -

AM Yoga - I might just give up all the rest and just do this from now on.

Psalm 94 - I have had some rocky times in life, like everyone else.  I do rely on my faith for strength and joy during those tough times.  God is my rock above the rocks.  Today I was reading that a large percentage of people that pray - only 6% of people don't.  Keep it up! 

2012 - on this day, nothing very interesting that I saw until last year, said I made a cold tuna casserole and that sounds good.  Think I will make one today!  yum

Odemira - In the news - Municipality of Odemira is winning proposals.  In translation it seems they are upgrading and improving properties.  Some things where ever you go are the same.

Parenting - Nicole tied her hammock up to the tree in the yard last night.  I was looking at that tree and it seemed to smile, that tree has watched her grow up too and was probably happy to have some attention from her again.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015 Friday Emancipation Day #patience#Christiancommunity#prayer

Get Fit
Ballet - get the dancers legs.  Well at least my knees, hips and ankles are good.

Get Faith
James chapter 1 - This study writer says this book is an essay on active patience.  As in anything else faith takes time to learn.  But with faith, as James says, the world works against you as you try to claim it.  Don't lose heart - keep the faith.

On this day
1998 Nicole and Jamie went to basketball camp at the High School and then Nicole had a double header at Kyte Monroe park vs Eastpointe.  They lost both games, but we still had ice cream.

1998 - Switzerland's three largest banks offered $600 million to settle claims they'd stolen the assets of Holocaust victims during World War II. Jewish leaders called the offer insultingly low. I guess it is banks everywhere?  Not nice.

I wonder how proud the family is of that young man.  They raised him to allow hate to command his life, they allowed him a gun and set him up for this.  Now, in addition to the 9 people he killed - his life is over.  Great parenting skills. I'm sure we will hear stories of how the family will deny their involvement and wonder how this happened.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (coming soon to a book store near you)
     Everyone was all dressed up including my little brother Martin, who had a broken arm.  He had fallen down a flight of steps when we were out at my Aunt and Uncle’s farm house. Unfortunately, it wasn’t noticed that it was broken until I was holding his hand in Kresge’s while we were shopping with Mom.  He didn’t want to hold my hand and Mom told me to hang on to him.  Then he sat down.  That separated the bone that was already broke.  I can tell you that it was a scream as loud if not louder than the teeth one.  I didn’t know the arm was previously broken, so I just assumed I broke it.  I was truly the worse sister ever.  I really did love my brother and was overcome with remorse at my lack of caring for him.  Excuses were made.  I was glad I didn’t have to face Dad when he saw that cast on Martin’s arm.  
Mauritania music?
The music of Mauritania comes predominantly from the country's largest ethnic group: the Moors. In Moorish society musicians occupy the lowest caste, iggawin. Musicians from this caste used song to praise successful warriors as well as their patrons. Iggawin also had the traditional role of messengers, spreading news between villages. In modern Mauritania, professional musicians are paid by anybody to perform; affluent patrons sometimes record the entertainment, rather than the musicians themselves, and are then considered to own the recording. Interesting.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015 Thursday First Day of Ramadan #patience#calm#love

Get Fit
I use a lot of sugar in my coffee and tea.  I need to cut back so I'm going back to artificial sweetners. I eat pretty healthy but tea and cookies can be my downfall.  Staying fit is more than just exercising.

Get Faith
Isaiah chapter 40 - Starts with "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." and finishes with "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Our God is an awesome God.  Be patient.

On this day
1995 - It was the day after Merri's graduation party at my house.  We were all over at Andy's and Alice's in the pool.  Relaxing.  Water is calming isn't it? 

1667 - The Dutch fleet sailed up the Thames toward London. I wonder if this was a relaxing cruise or the onset of war.

Losing a baby during pregnancy is horrible.  It is not God's will or punishment, but only He knows why.  Anger, sorrow and grief seem to be your closest companions at this time.  There are no answers and no promises anyone can give you.  Husbands and family are sharing the pain but you alone feel the defeat.  Time, faith and the love of your family will get you through it.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     “I don’t think Martin should go up to the room, he might see something he shouldn’t and get scared.  Adam and I will go up and see Dad and see what he thinks.”

     So I stayed in the waiting area in the front with Martin until they came back down and said Dad didn’t think it was a great idea, but he would look out of the window and wave to us, which he did.
Mauritania Africa

Mauritania Travel Warning

Last Updated: October 7, 2014

The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the risks of traveling to Mauritania, and urges those who travel to Mauritania to exercise extreme caution because of activities by terrorist groups in the region, including al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).  AQIM continues to demonstrate its intent and ability to conduct attacks against foreign nationals, including U.S. citizens.  This replaces the travel warning for Mauritania, issued March 12, 2014, to update information on security incidents and remind travelers of security concerns.
Good thing we are cyber travelers!
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Annaliese,

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 17, 2015 Wednesday Bunker Hill Day #Patiencenonews

Get Fit
The new number to hit walking is 10,000 steps.  I get nowhere near that.  I exercised in the morning and then walked up to the post office in the evening.  I was only at 6,000 steps.  But I will keep trying.  Did some aerobics with Kathy Smith and only have 1,456 steps so far.  Don't make yourself crazy do what you can!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 - A Time for Everything.  This study is about patience and all happens in God's time, not ours.  The seasons and reasons of life happen when they will and we can't change it.  Many people today suffer from depression.  I wonder if it is because they realize that life goes on regardless of what they do.  This is God's world and time - enjoy every minute. Trust God.

On this Day
1990   It was Fathers Day and Nicole and Aaron's dad was working the boat show at Freedom Hill.  We packed a lunch and went there to have lunch with him.

1837 - Charles Goodyear received his first patent. The patent was for a process that made rubber easier to work with. This might sound boring but it is one of the few things in history on this day that wasn't about war or hostilities.  What is wrong with us? 

I should take a lesson from my daughter.  I always thought I should stay in the know, pay attention to the news - but it is so inflammatory and biased I end up upset.  The State of the world, the politics and shredding a poor girl with an identity problem on national news?  I'm walking away. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     In September Doctor Starrel thought Dad should try the surgery so he went into the hospital. 
     He was at Grace Hospital in northwest Detroit for a few days before the surgery when all of us stopped by to see him before going to a family wedding.   We walked into the hospital at the main entrance, up the stairs and down the long hall to the elevators.  Then Mom stopped.

Mauritania Africa  culture
Location and Geography. Mauritania encompasses 400,385 square miles (1,037,000 square kilometers), more than three quarters of which is made up of the Sahara desert and the semiarid Sahelian zone. The remaining portion lies along the Senegal River Valley in the extreme south and southeast. The terrain consists of a plateau with vast sand dunes. The climate is hot and dry with frequent sandstorms. The country borders Senegal to the south, Mali to the southeast, Algeria to the northeast, and the Western Sahara to the north. In the southern region, most people engage in agriculture and livestock raising. The people in the south are settled black African farmers, whereas in the north the people have a nomadic lifestyle.
The capital, Nouakchott, is on the on the Atlantic coast. It was chosen a year before independence in 1960. Because the French wanted to transfer power to their Arab-Berber allies, the idea of having a major cities such as Rosso or Kaedi as the capital was ruled out.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 16, 2015 Tuesday #strengthpeacesisters

Get Fit
Weight training today.  This is a Denise Austin video called Total Body workout.  I am looking for something new - maybe back to the kettle bells.  For those in my area there is a new workout place on Greater Mack by Red Maple Lane and across the street from that is WOW (women only workout) and if you have Blue Cross they cover the cost on your Silver Sneakers card. 

Get Faith
Daniel chapter 3 - This is the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego that were thrown into the blazing furnace because they would not worship the false idol that King Bebuchadnezzar had set up.
Most of us will never have to face this test of faith but we do have other tests everyday.  The peace we have in facing the trials of life comes from knowing that God is always present with us - in a blazing fire or having a bad traffic day. Peace

On this Day
1989  I took Nicole out to see Aaron's new little sister Rachelle.  She was three days old and Nicole was only 4 years old.  It was love at first sight.  Aaron loved both of his sisters and never complained about not having a brother.  It is wonderful to keep kids close, even extended family.

1963 - 26-year-old Valentina Tereshkova went into orbit aboard the Vostok 6 spacecraft for three days. She was the first female space traveler. Hey Rachelle, here is somewhere you haven't gone!

It is a joy to watch children grow up and I can now see who they are.  Aaron is the family man, with a wife and 3 kids, very responsible and loving.  Nicole loves sports - snowboarding, kayaking and runs a Lutheran Camp for kids, her long awaited job.  Rachelle is over the top working for the media and traveling the world.  So different but all so sure of who they are.  Wonderful people.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

Dad had terrible ulcers and after being in a car accident, the ulcers got worse until the doctor said there was a new surgery they were trying, which would get rid of the ulcerated part of the stomach.  He had spent a lot of time in pain for a lot of years.  It started when he was 19.  Back in those days Dad thought that milk or dairy products would soothe it.  We had a malt maker on the kitchen sink that he used to make malted milk shakes.  I loved them, not just chocolate shakes, like they make now, it had to have the malt in it. 
Mauritania Africa
Mauritania Maps
Did we see the map of this place?  I don't think so, here it is.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Shikira!

Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15, 2015 Monday #PeaceGiveBloodmiracles

Get Fit
Low impact aerobics to start the week.  My shoulders and thumbs ache with arthritis, but I swear they feel better after a workout.  Keep moving. 

Get Faith
Philippians chapter 4 - Paul's letter commending the Philippians. " Rejoice in the Lord always: I will say it again!   And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Paul thanked the women for their service and devotion. Peace.

On this day
1988 - I like to remember all the great pediatric doctors and nurses when I remember this time.  Nicole was on dialysis at St Johns hospital.  She had Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.  Her kidneys shut down, it was probably a result of ecoli bacteria.  We almost lost her.  My heart goes out to anyone who has a sick child and I thank God for the medical staff with the huge hearts.

1667 - Jean-Baptiste Denys administered the first fully-documented human blood transfusion. He successfully transfused the blood of a sheep to a 15-year old boy. It doesn't say here how it turned out for the boy, but it must have been significant in the history of transfusing blood.  Nicole had to have blood and I thanked God, again when I watched the color come back to her pale little body. 

We always wonder why God? when our child is sick.  We forget that we are the ones that have failed to protect the earth and atmosphere, we have neglected keeping chemicals out of our food supply and we are occasionally lax in watching our children.  It is all part of our world today, we can't stop it but we can thank God for the miracles of all lives that He does save and know that He cares for them when He takes them home.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
        That was the year my Dad died in September, the 12th, you never forget.  It is a really bad time for a girl to lose a dad, not that there is a good time.  All of my life I imagined myself  daddy’s girl, so I was both devastated at the loss and horribly guilty for complaining about babysitting while Mom went to the hospital to see Dad when he had the surgery.  He never came home and our family changed from a typical Mom at home with kids and a dad at work, to mom at work and kids home alone, a lot.
Mauritania Africa

2007 presidential election[

Mauritania's first fully democratic presidential election took place on 11 March 2007. The election effected the final transfer from military to civilian rule following the military coup in 2005. This was the first time since Mauritania gained independence in 1960 that it elected a president in a multi-candidate election.[37]
The election was won in a second round of voting by Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, with Ahmed Ould Daddah a close second.  didn't last.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Joe!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015 Sunday #flagdayOdetojoycamp

Get Faith
Picked up Mom and took her to church for music Sunday.  The choir, the bell choir and the added brass made for some truly beautiful praise to the Lord.  I wondered when the bells played Ode To Joy if the Lord took a minute and listened and knew that it was written and performed for him to His Glory.  I hope so.

On This Day
1987 - Nicole was 2 and we had one of those plastic kiddy pools for her.  It was so nice to sit in the yard with my feet in the pool for hours - you couldn't leave the baby alone, got you out of any housework you should have been doing. 

1987 - The Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA title by defeating the defending Boston Celtics. Some people had to work harder that day.

At church this morning I watched the parents that had kids going to Stony Lake camp (the one my daughter is director of) fussing over their kids.  One little girl said she had never been to camp, I told her she would love it and forever be hooked on camp after this week.  My little girl is.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

Dad did go with us sometime, to Big Lake out in Northern Oakland County by Clarkston, where we used to live.  An old buddy of Dad’s had a concrete block cottage that Dad had helped him build a few years ago and we went there on the weekends a lot.  The Richter family was the mom and dad and the kids Bernard and Julia.  Julia was a year younger than I.

     Julia and I used to row their rowboat around the lake.  There was a modern looking house all glass that faced to the lake and a real cool guy that played his music real loud.  Little Star by the Elegants.  I imagined he was playing it for me, while Julia rowed I laid back in the rowboat like a movie star and floated off to dreamland hoping it was my Joey come to life.  All I got out of that was a sunburn.
Mauritania Africa religion
The people of Mauritania are nearly all adherents of Sunni Islam of Maliki school of jurisprudence, influenced with Sufism. Mauritania is a country in the Africa, bordering Algeria, Mali, Senegal, and the Western Sahara (currently controlled by Morocco).[1] Officially, 100% of the country's citizens are Muslim,[2] although there is a small community of Christians, mainly of foreign nationality.[3] The two largest Sufi Muslim tariqas in Mauritania are Tijaniyyah and Qadiriyya.[4] Because of the ethnic and tribal divisions in the country, religion is seen by the government as essential for national unity.[5]
There are around 4,500 Roman Catholics in the country of foreign origin.[3] There are also a few adherents of Judaism working in the country.[5]

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Betty! Lynn! Christina and Bruce

Saturday, June 13, 2015

June 13, 2015 Saturday #walkorrunsharepeaceretire

Get Fit
Nothing better then a Saturday morning walk.  It was a little chilly and damp but not raining.  Get out there! My niece Lindsey is on a run this morning - go Lindsey!

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 6   Jesus is telling here of how to conduct yourself to have a better relationship with God.  Don't brag about the good things you do for others.  I know a lot of people that are forever giving of their time, donating of their own wealth. I know because I see them doing this all the time, it is their lifestyle.  It does encourage others to lead the same kind of life - not bragging but setting a good example.  This behavior will give you peace. No one has peace while others struggle.

On This Day
1980  - Mom had been staying with me for a while.  This was her last day of work before she moved up to Gaylord, her husband and her big new beautiful house.  That was 35 years ago that she retired.  So now you need to think about 35 years of retirement - what will you do? 
1920 - The U.S. Post Office Department ruled that children may not be sent by parcel post.  I have visions of children with postage stamps on their foreheads. 

It was glorious talking to my daughter for 1/2 hour last night after climbing into bed.  She was in bed on the other side of the state at Stony Lake Camp where she is boss this year.  She has earned this job and it was a promise fulfilled of prayer requests to God.  She will be helping children learn the lessons of peace, sharing, love and worshipping God in thanks.  Living by example - Jesus's example.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     He got me through long car rides, boring classes and those times when I thought so little of myself.  I very often felt invisible, like I wasn’t really there.  My mom was always busy with Martin or bragging about Adam it seemed I was only noticed when the dishes were dirty or the vacuuming needed doing.  I thought mom liked boys better than girls and so I turned to dad for attention.  The problem there was he was seldom home.  But I imagined that I spent more time with him then I did.  But in his absence I had Joey.
Mauritania Africa
mauritania culture with beautiful tourist attractions mauritania ...   All the countries of Africa are different - this looks like a good place to visit and get that walk in today.  Don't we wish.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! Happy Birthday Rachelle and Jeff!

Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12, 2015 Friday #peacesheckupassurancenoslavery

Get Fit
Pilates today.  Don't forget housework as an exercise - it ranks up there with the best steps and aerobics.

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 4 - Peace to you or in this case rest.  God rested from his work on the 7th day and he orders us in the commandments to rest also.  Do you rest?  I don't.  I go to church but that is only an hours rest.  He says take a day.  We are so consumed with our lives here on earth.  Peace and rest go together  "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.".  Seek peace.

On This Day
1979 - My friend Chris had a doctors appointment and found she had irregular cells.  She followed through and had the necessary procedures to stop it from going into cancer.  I am so glad my friend was smart about that and is still around today.  Get your regular check ups!  The sooner found and treated the better!!  Stick around.

1979 - Bryan Allen flew the Gossamer Albatross, man powered, across the English Channel. In other parts of the world.

I went over to the assisted living place my mom is in because my brother had visited earlier and said they moved Mom to a different room.  That can be terribly upsetting for an elderly person.  She thought it was something she had done wrong.  After assuring her that it wasn't, I pointed out that the new room was nicer and in a better location.  Hopefully she accepted that. Check on the elderly.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     “Hello Jean!  How are you today?  You look wonderful” They gushed over me as they ushered me to his door and opened it for me to enter.
     He was always thrilled to see me and greeted me with a movie type embrace and kiss.  Then he would stare at me, my hair, my eyes, kiss my nose and another kiss on the lips.  His eyes glowed from the deep love he had for me.  Then he would hold me at arm’s length and look slowly down my body and legs and lust after me deeply. Hey!  It’s my fantasy. 
Mauritania Africa
Political parties, illegal during the military period, were legalized again in 1991. By April 1992, as civilian rule returned, 16 major political parties had been recognized; 12 major political parties were active in 2004. The Parti Républicain Démocratique et Social (PRDS), formerly led by President Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya, dominated Mauritanian politics after the country's first multi-party elections in April 1992, following the approval by referendum of the current constitution in July 1991. President Taya won elections in 1992 and 1997. Most opposition parties boycotted the first legislative election in 1992. For nearly a decade the parliament was dominated by the PRDS. The opposition participated in municipal elections in January–February 1994, and in subsequent Senate elections – most recently in April 2004 – and gained representation at the local level, as well as three seats in the Senate.
This period was marked by extensive ethnic violence and human rights abuses. Between 1990 and 1991, a campaign of particularly extreme violence took place against a background of Arabization, interference with blacks' association rights, expropriation, expatriation and slavery. The slaves were mostly black.[24]  This sounds horribly familiar.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Ty! 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11, 2015 Thursday #dancepeacepicnic

Get Fit
Don and I go to a line dancing class with John and Sophie on Wednesday nights.  The instructor is a skinny little blonde, cute that tries to get us to jump on the digs.  I sincerely would love to but somewhere along the years I have lost the ability to jump.  We do the best we can and it is fun.  This morning I danced with Rita.  Dance!  it is good for you!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 2 - Peace from God our Father.  This is the story of the peace that God sent us.  It could not have been easy raising the Son of God.  You might be concerned about chastising someone else's child, but this?  God picked Mary and Joseph, so He knew they would do a good job, I'm sure.  Jesus knew who he was and why he was sent, to bring you peace.

On This Day
1978 - This is for Chris - There was a girl that worked at one of the Frames and Framing Stores and her name was Kim.  She lived out on a farm in Milford and on this day she had all the employees out for a BBQ.  It was a long ride but I noted that Chris and Steve, Stephen, JP, Tom & Ellen, and Charley all showed up.  Do company's still do picnics?  I guess they do.  Whether you go or not depends on how well you like your fellow employees.  Go on a picnic anyway!

1919 - Sir Barton became the first horse to capture the Triple Crown when he won the Belmont Stakes in New York City. Considering recent news of American Pharaoh this is interesting.

We all think our children are sent from God, but imagine raising Jesus.  It seems you would have to defer to a higher presence in this case.  Did he hurt himself in childhood accidents?  Did he ever get sick?  Did he have to be reminded to clean his room?  Lots of questions.  There were times when I asked for intervention from God.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
Night by Jacki Wilson
     My boyfriend Joey respected me and didn’t want me to be “that kind of girl”, because he was going to marry me.  He was Italian, tall and very good looking.  He had a lot of friends and had everyone’s respect.  Somehow I knew I was his only girlfriend and never questioned where he had gained his experience with girls.  When I went to his house the other people treated me like I was royalty entering the room.  I imagined whole scenario’s.
Mauritania Africa

Ould Taya's rule (1984–2005)[edit]

In 1980, Haidallah was deposed by Colonel Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya, who, while retaining tight military control, relaxed the political climate. Ould Taya moderated Mauritania's previous pro-Algerian stance, and re-established ties with Morocco during the late 1980s. He deepened these ties during the late 1990s and early 2000s as part of Mauritania's drive to attract support from Western states and Western-aligned Arab states. Mauritania has not rescinded its recognition of Polisario's Western Saharan exile government, and remains on good terms with Algeria. Its position on the Western Sahara conflict is, since the 1980s, one of strict neutrality. Sounds good to me.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Jume 10, 2015 Wednesday #Mercyhibachizoo

Get Fit
Abs of Steel, well if not steel at least better to support the back.  Start out with 10 situps and 10 leg lifts while laying on your back, keep the arch of your back flat on the floor.  There are so many exercises on TV and video's.  They must be serious about how much it helps.  If all else fails - walk.

Get Faith
Isaiah Chapter 53 - predicts The Messiah, Jesus Christ and gives an account of what and why. The birth and death of Jesus was orchestrated by God - the Father.  Why?  because of his merciful love for all of us - you.  Mercy Mercy Mercy.

ON This Day
1977 - When I got home Pete had the hibachi ready to do steaks and a salad made for dinner.  He wanted to make sure I had time to finish the curtains for the boat, it was a 1963 31' wood Cris Craft Sport Fisherman with a bridge.  He had remodeled the salon to put in a "real" head with a shower instead of the potty under the cushions in the vee bunks.  Do they still make boats like that?   That was a great boat, really rode the water nice.

1793 - The Jardin des Plantes zoo opened in Paris. It was the first public zoo. No boat?  Go to the Zoo today!

I went furniture shopping with Don yesterday.  Guys love their recliners.  I don't like them for many reasons,  and I believe that a woman invented them so her husband would reach an early demise.  Nothing says couch potato like a comfy recliner.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     I never wanted to go back there again and because everyone got into a lot of trouble for going and LOOSING ME, I was not well liked or treated nice for some time, like a pariah.  I couldn’t even sit close enough to the bon fire they had every night on the beach, to get some heat from it.  I had to listen to my brother play the guitar and sing “Million Dollar Baby” from 30 feet away.  But I had Joey. 
Night by Jacki Wilson
Mauritania Africa  another interesting place.

CMRN and CMSN military governments (1978–84)[edit]

Chinguetti was a center of Islamic scholarship in West Africa.
Col. Mustafa Ould Salek's CMRN junta proved incapable of either establishing a strong base of power or extracting the country from its destabilizing conflict with the Sahrawi resistance movement, the Polisario Front. It quickly fell, to be replaced by another military government, the CMSN.
The energetic Colonel Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidallah soon emerged as its strongman. By giving up all claims to Western Sahara, he found peace with the Polisario and improved relations with its main backer, Algeria. But relations with Morocco, the other party to the conflict, and its European ally France deteriorated. Instability continued, and Haidallah's ambitious reform attempts foundered. His regime was plagued by attempted coups and intrigue within the military establishment. It became increasingly contested due to his harsh and uncompromising measures against opponents; many dissidents were jailed, and some executed. In 1981 slavery was legally abolished, making Mauritania the last country in the world to do so.  Good riddance to the last stronghold of slavery.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!