Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 4, 2015 Thursday #strengthconfidenceentertainment

Get Fit
How about some Pilates?  Start with The Hundred.  Lie on your back, make sure your spine and neck are lined up straight and your hips are evenly balanced on the floor.  This will work your abs and strengthen your core.  Lift your legs up off the floor, either bent at the knees, straight up or lowered straight out - only if you are fit to do this last one.  Raise your head and shoulders and with your arms straight at your side lifted and then pumped up and down for 100 count while holding your legs in position.  Or as many as you can.  Gotta start somewhere!

Get Faith
Isaiah chapter 12 - It is a short one.  It speaks of the joy that knowing God brings us, the comfort our faith gives us. "Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things."  It is why I am happy, productive, confident and caring. He gives me reason to be.  Amen.

On This Day
2004 - Waynette and her friend Diane came over and we went down to the Gem Theater to see Menopause the Musical for the first time.  Our friend Judy was one of the 4 people in the play.  It was great!  We went two more times and I'd go again.
1674 - Horse racing was prohibited in Massachusetts. This could be a problem, where is the race this week?

I went to the high school yesterday to donate blood.  The area was filled by students that were either running the sign in table - waiting (anxiously) to give blood or just hanging around.  They were entertaining to watch.  I didn't see a huge change in behavior since my daughter graduated from there in 2003.  They were enjoying their friends and happy to be out of class. 

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties

     Adam and Cousin John would always get one of the aluminum fishing boats out of the big cabin basement and take it out to the sandbar to hang out away from us younger kids.  John was only a year older than me but it was his parents place and he was one of the few guys there with a lot of us girls.  Adam was a big hero to all the cousins because he played varsity football and the guitar.  So they would also put up with his constant teasing and harassing.  He was a big strong guy, and the girls went out of their way to get his attention.  They were all cousins, so it was just fun, because they were all teenagers.
]Mauritania Africa  more history

Modern history[edit]

Imperial France gradually absorbed the territories of present-day Mauritania from the Senegal river area and upwards, starting in the late 19th century. In 1901, Xavier Coppolani took charge of the imperial mission. Through a combination of strategic alliances with Zawiya tribes, and military pressure on the Hassane warrior nomads, he managed to extend French rule over the Mauritanian emirates. Trarza, Brakna and Tagant quickly submitted to treaties with the colonial power (1903–04), but the northern emirate of Adrar held out longer, aided by the anti-colonial rebellion (or jihad) of shaykh Maa al-Aynayn. Adrar was finally defeated militarily in 1912, and incorporated into the territory of Mauritania, which had been drawn up and planned in 1904. Mauritania was part of French West Africa from 1920.[citation needed]
French rule brought legal prohibitions against slavery and an end to inter-clan warfare. During the colonial period, 90% of the population remained nomadic. Many sedentary peoples, whose ancestors had been expelled centuries earlier, began to trickle back into Mauritania. As the country gained independence in 1960, the capital city Nouakchott was founded at the site of a small colonial village, the Ksar.[citation needed]
After gaining independence, larger numbers of indigenous Sub-Saharan African peoples (Haalpulaar, Soninke, and Wolof) entered Mauritania, moving into the area north of the Senegal River. Educated in French language and customs, many of these recent arrivals became clerks, soldiers, and administrators in the new state. This occurred as the French militarily suppressed the most intransigent Hassane tribes of the Moorish north. This changed the former balance of power, and new conflicts arose between the southern populations and Moors. Between these groups stood the Haratin, a very large population of Arabized slaves of sub-Saharan African origins, who lived within Moorish society, integrated into a low-caste social position.[14 
This is an interesting conquering that sounds good to me, but I see a change coming.

Enjoy The Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Adriana!

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