Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015 Friday Emancipation Day #patience#Christiancommunity#prayer

Get Fit
Ballet - get the dancers legs.  Well at least my knees, hips and ankles are good.

Get Faith
James chapter 1 - This study writer says this book is an essay on active patience.  As in anything else faith takes time to learn.  But with faith, as James says, the world works against you as you try to claim it.  Don't lose heart - keep the faith.

On this day
1998 Nicole and Jamie went to basketball camp at the High School and then Nicole had a double header at Kyte Monroe park vs Eastpointe.  They lost both games, but we still had ice cream.

1998 - Switzerland's three largest banks offered $600 million to settle claims they'd stolen the assets of Holocaust victims during World War II. Jewish leaders called the offer insultingly low. I guess it is banks everywhere?  Not nice.

I wonder how proud the family is of that young man.  They raised him to allow hate to command his life, they allowed him a gun and set him up for this.  Now, in addition to the 9 people he killed - his life is over.  Great parenting skills. I'm sure we will hear stories of how the family will deny their involvement and wonder how this happened.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (coming soon to a book store near you)
     Everyone was all dressed up including my little brother Martin, who had a broken arm.  He had fallen down a flight of steps when we were out at my Aunt and Uncle’s farm house. Unfortunately, it wasn’t noticed that it was broken until I was holding his hand in Kresge’s while we were shopping with Mom.  He didn’t want to hold my hand and Mom told me to hang on to him.  Then he sat down.  That separated the bone that was already broke.  I can tell you that it was a scream as loud if not louder than the teeth one.  I didn’t know the arm was previously broken, so I just assumed I broke it.  I was truly the worse sister ever.  I really did love my brother and was overcome with remorse at my lack of caring for him.  Excuses were made.  I was glad I didn’t have to face Dad when he saw that cast on Martin’s arm.  
Mauritania music?
The music of Mauritania comes predominantly from the country's largest ethnic group: the Moors. In Moorish society musicians occupy the lowest caste, iggawin. Musicians from this caste used song to praise successful warriors as well as their patrons. Iggawin also had the traditional role of messengers, spreading news between villages. In modern Mauritania, professional musicians are paid by anybody to perform; affluent patrons sometimes record the entertainment, rather than the musicians themselves, and are then considered to own the recording. Interesting.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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