Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015 Tuesday #Gentleness #R&R

Get Fit
Try this - stand tall with your weights in each hand at your shoulders.  Lift your left arm straight up with your weight on left leg and your right hip raises then go to right arm.  Do 10 repetitions two times. It is a rocking motion, feels great on the back, and exercises arms and shoulders.

Get Faith
Proverbs chapter 31 - A Gentlewoman.  A woman that holds her family together and works for the good of all.  A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  Gentleness and Kindness

On This Day
2012  Nicole and her friend and I were up at my friend Chris's place near Traverse City.  The girls were kayaking, Chris had golf and I was happy on the dock watching the water, so relaxing.  It is great to have a friend that you don't feel that you have to entertain or be entertained by when in each others company.  Chris is family to me. 

1841 - The Erie Railroad rolled out its first passenger train.  Take a train ride this summer, wonder if this is still in the works?  Saw an ad for a private train out of Van Couver that looked really nice!

I worked yesterday at the place Nicole used to work at.  I miss working with her on that one or two days a month.  The new girl Lisa asked me if I missed Nicole and I do, but am so happy for where she is.  Another girl was there, Gena who is usually at the California location but is helping out. Gena and Nicole worked together before this and Gena had great things to say about Nicole and told Lisa.  It is great feed back for a parent.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     Adam started working extra jobs at a nursery and a gas station, plus he played in a band for special occasions.  He was only 18 and could only do so much.  He was lost without his dad.  It’s too bad he didn’t decide to go to college because now he thought he had to be the man of the house and assume all the responsibility that went with that.
Mauritania Africa
Packing up and leaving this place.  I found it to be interesting because of its diversity and history.  As American's we are cautioned to not physically visit this place due to the hotbed of terrorist activity there.  We know the future of countries that live with this situation. They have to go through a lot of  hostility and fighting, their economy and everything they have achieved so far is lost to greed and hatred.  My heart goes out to those of Mauritania that will lose their identity and history of who they were and could have been.  Moving tomorrow to Motherwell Scotland.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Emily!

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