Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9, 2015 Monday #fivemercifulmemorytrick

Get Fit
I used a resistance band today with squats and leg lifts, but you can do them without.  Squats will tighten up that backside, but more importantly support your back and increase your balance.  Leg lifts also help the backside and trim the legs.  C'mon give it five minutes.

Get Faith
Psalm 130  verse 3 "If you Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?"  Not me that's for sure.  Having been a Christian all my life - I take God's forgiveness for granted, well I used to.  Now I thank him often for his forgiveness and the salvation he has promised me.  He is merciful.

On This Day
1976 - Sue came over and we went to a TORI meeting.  I don't remember who Sue was and not a clue what a TORI meeting is.  If you know or remember please let me know.  See, even with journals the past can stay forgotten.

1790 - John Barry copyrighted "Philadelphia Spelling Book." It was the first American book to be copyrighted. And yet many of us still can't spell.

They had what they called creative spelling when Nicole was in school.  Right.  She can't even read the pages she wrote from that time.  I think, because I read to Nicole a lot she did not see the written word and that was a mistake.  I am a good speller, I read a lot as a child and can envision what a word looks like.  It seems that a combination of reading to your child and having them read to you might be a better way to go.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
Roy Orbison – Only the Lonely
     The last time I went with them, I tripped and hurt my ankle, but didn’t want to slow them down so I tried to keep up.  But I couldn’t and soon I found myself alone in the very dark woods where I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face.  I felt invisible.  They had flashlights, but not me.  I panicked and tried to find my way back, but it got worse.   It seemed like hours when I found a cliff and thinking it was by the beach began climbing it to find my way back to the family cabins.  I had to hang on to tree limbs and hanging roots to climb up that hill and at the top – headlights.  I was on the road going into Port Sanilac, and the car on the road was family looking for me.  With a twisted ankle and looking like I had been dragged through the mud, they took me back to my Mom.

Mauritania Africa

Ould Daddah era (1960–78)

Mauritania became an independent nation in November, 1960.[21] In 1964 President Moktar Ould Daddah, originally installed by the French, formalized Mauritania as a one-party state with a new constitution, setting up an authoritarian presidential regime. Daddah's own Parti du Peuple Mauritanien (PPM) became the ruling organization in a single-party system. The President justified this on the grounds that Mauritania was not ready for western-style multi-party democracy. Under this one-party constitution, Daddah was reelected in uncontested elections in 1976 and 1978.
He was ousted in a bloodless coup on 10 July 1978. He had brought the country to near-collapse through a disastrous war to annex the southern part of Western Sahara, framed as an attempt to create a "Greater Mauritania".
 This history is so transparent - like so many countries overtaken again and again.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Helen!  Lori and Maria!

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