Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 23, 2015 Tuesday #kindness#scuba#Racing#noinlawsfordinner

Get Fit
Try a plank, it is like a push up but you don't push up.  Turn your toes under and raise us off the floor, put your elbows under your shoulders and raise up - or you can go up on your hands.  Hold yourself in this plank position for 1 minute - 3 times.  Harder than it sounds.  They say it is a great all over strengthener.

Get Faith
Jeremiah chapter 31 - these next few studies are on gentleness and kindness.  "I will be your God and you will be my people".  God continues to keep us, guide us, protect us and love us till the end.  His loving kindness is unequaled.  We just need to stay with him and remember his daily.

On this day
1974 Pete had decided to take up scuba diving.  His parents and I went with him to Ohio to watch.  Well you couldn't really see them, but you could wait for them to come up.  He did but it was the end of diving for him.  His ears wouldn't tolerate the depth.  Anybody else have experience with this?

1904 - The first American motorboat race got underway on the Hudson River in New York. this is something Pete and I did together starting in 1972. 

Watched a great video of a mom that was stuck at home with her small daughter, school was closed down and might have been due to a snowstorm.. By the sounds of it, the mother was lucky to still have her sense of humor after watching Frozen so many times and hear the song.  Loved the Mom's face when she sang along "LET IT GO - LET IT GO' LET IT GO!". 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     Adam let out a loud yell and went to his room, where you could hear him still yelling and crying.  Aunt Alice sat with her arm around my shoulders while Martin stood watching with all the understanding of a three year old.  I held him in my arms and sobbed.  
Mauritania Africa Art
A group of women painting a hut. Mauritanian houses have few wall decorations and sparse furniture.
A group of women painting a hut. Mauritanian houses have few wall decorations and sparse furniture.
meal is lunch among black Africans, whereas Arab-Berbers have the main meal in the evening. Breakfast consists of milk and cereal with French bread and butter. People use a lot of oil in cooking and sugar in drinks. Eating almost always takes place at home. It is not acceptable to eat with or in the presence of one's in-laws, and eating with the left hand is forbidden.

Read more: http://www.everyculture.com/Ma-Ni/Mauritania.html#ixzz3dtpLBT46

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!!

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