Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 26, 2015 Saturday #workout#kindness#food

Get Fit
Did 5 circuits with Jillian this morning.  That girl can work you out!.  Her video's are everywhere - get yourself one and some weights.  She works with 3 lbs because of the intensity of the workouts.

Get Faith
Romans chapter 4 " The Weak and the Strong - Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters."  This is all about, not judging others - that is Jesus' job.  We are to encourage one another in gentleness and kindness.

On this Day
2007 - I am always busy I had VBS -I took the middle schoolers  to a church member's pool for a swim.  It was a hot night and they loved it.  I also noticed that I called mom after work.  Nicole had graduated from college in May, and wasn't home, so not only did I miss her and all the activity we had, but so did Grandma.

0363 - The death of Roman Emperor Julian brought an end to the Pagan Revival.  There is a lot I could say here, but I won't. Uh,  I don't think it ended.  Had to say.

It is so hard to not be judgmental.  We all have opinions and want to share them with someone who doesn't share ours.  Especially our children.  The Bible study writer mentioned they were always trying to get their sibling to stop smoking, we all know how hard that is. There is no easy approach to getting someone to stop a bad/damaging habit.  And certainly being judgmental toward them is the wrong way - ooops sorry, my opinion.  What is your opinion?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     The political world was making decisions, not that I cared.  September 26 – The leading candidates for President of the United States, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, made the first televised debate.  I wondered who my dad would have voted for.  September 30 – The television animated sitcom, The Flintstones premiers on ABC.  Which of these two programs had the highest viewer numbers?  Is it me – or were we all shallow?
Thieboudienne, ceebu jen, or thiéboudiène is a traditional dish from Senegal. It is made from fish, rice and tomato sauce. Other ingredients often include onions, carrots, cabbage, cassava and peanut oil. These ingredients are common in the country. The name of the dish comes from Wolof words meaning "rice" (ceeb) and "fish" (jën).[1]
White Thieboudienne.JPG
Red Thieboudienne.JPG
Thieboudienne, ceebu jen, or thiéboudiène is a traditional dish from Senegal. It is made from fish, rice and tomato sauce. Other ingredients often Ok  lets try it!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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