Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 29, 2015 Monday #2014communalchildraising

Work today here's a flashback:

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014 Sunday First Day of Ramadan

Going out to Christ Lutheran with Nicole. 
Sermon was about Peter and Paul, who both were executed on this day for their great faith in Jesus Christ.  Thank God for these two saints that gave our faith such a great start so many years ago.

On this day: last year

 2013 - I haven't moved in 37 years.  Before that I moved a lot and am happy to be right where I am, but people around me are still moving.  Last year on this day, Jan was moving to Florida so Aaron brought some of her stuff over here to store, then Nicole had to go help Craig because he had moved back from Chicago.  I'm glad its not me, and I hope I never have to move again, I like my spot in the world.  How about you?  Think you would like a change or stay put?
1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia. Deja Vu.

Parenting - Communal child raising.  I was at Sears last night, with what appeared to be many Mom's shopping with kids night.  As I was checking out there was a mom ahead of me with 3 kids and one behind with I don't know how many.  The one ahead said "Oh, I forgot something, I wonder where I left my mind sometime".  I said "You have 3 children no explanations are necessary."  She turned and hollered at 3 other children playing by the escalator, their mom was nor paying attention at the time and waved thank you to the lady ahead of me. (They did not know each other).  I was thinking of that when I got off the escalator and hollered at  two very small girls going for the escalator not to go near it.  Their moms waved a thank you to me.  Communal child raising.

Book Club - Animal Farm by George Orwell.  See how many of these I can get through.

Abidjan - Last day here before we head off to new horizons. 
Much maligned, and for a number of years, neglected, the Zoo National d'Abidjan is being rehabilitated, by a team of local and international volunteers, under the auspices of a Luxumbourg NGO The Association du Calao, and the support of the Swiss Governement.  In 20 years the Zoo saw its population decline from over 500 animals and 50+ species, to 170 animals, and 23 species.  That decline has now been stopped, and reversed, and the Zoo is beginning to shine.  There is still much to be done, but you can be guaranteed an interesting visit. You will no longer leave the Zoo with tears in your eyes, but joy in your heart.
Forest Elephant called CAN

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