Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015 First Day of Summer & Fathers Day Sunday!

Get Fit
A day of rest.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians chapter 4 - Patience.  Life if full of struggles but God helps us to find the strength to deal with it.  We remember "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

On This Day
2014 - I did a lot of visiting on this day and then ended up at the Double D to see Round Town Funky Bunch play.  Craig, Nicole's friend plays in the band - old rock and roll, great music.  The Double D is a nice bar/restaurant on the Clinton River with a deck right out on the water.  Nice place to go.

1942 - Ben Hogan recorded the lowest score (to that time) in a major golf tournament. Hogan shot a 271 for 72 holes in Chicago, IL. A little golf info for Dads' and all golfers - Nicole.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's out there. I have known some great dads.  My Dad was a great dad for his generation.  They weren't expected to get too involved with raising the kids, that was women's work.  My brother was an excellent father, he provided for his family and spent more time with his girls then many dads did.  My friend Don is a great Dad and Papa, he is always there when they need him.  My son Aaron is a devoted dad to his two sons and daughter.  I think more emphasis is put on being an involved dad these days than before now.  It takes two fully involved parents to raise children anymore.  Glad the media is getting into this quest. (I'm not always glad about their opinions)

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     I do wonder what Dad thought of his only daughter.  I was beginning to fill out into a young woman wearing fitted dresses and high heels and looking much older than my 13 years and having that attitude to go with it.  All I could think of was getting to that wedding and finding someone to do The Twist with that Chubby Checker had taught us all to do.   It was the last time I ever saw my dad alive, from the parking lot to the 6th floor window.  Appropriate entry from this book for this day I guess, but sad.
Mauritania Africa family
Family Units
The family unit in Mauritania is a bit different than what you might find "normal" or "average" in the United States. For starters, many times the number of children in a given family can be upwards of 5 or 6. From the families I've seen, I would say it is rare to find a family with only a couple of kids. (I have met though one lady who is an only child.) Another main difference is that, although not universal, polygamy is not only practiced, but culturally acceptable according to Islam - a man is allowed up to 4 wives, but cannot take a second unless he is able to fully provide for both families. That being the case, in a family where there are multiple wives (and children), sometimes one wife will live with her children in one home, and another wife will live with their children in another home. The husband can sort of float from one house to another. Please don't assume that this is the most common practice in Mauritania... only that it does exist. I would say that polygamist family units are in the minority, but certainly I know of many examples. I believe this trend is on the decline as divorces are quite common-place here. From what I've heard and seen, the divorce rate is about the same as in the USA. I know one lady here in town that has been married 6 times. That is obviously not the norm either, but it is an example of how common divorces can be. WEll that's interesting!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!   

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