Monday, June 1, 2015

June 11, 2015 Monday #reapplantablemauritania

Get Fit
I started the week with AM yoga.  Weren't you thinking about doing some yoga!  Sign up for a class or find out if you like it with a video.  C'mon try it!

Get Faith
Leviticus 25:1-7 This talks about The Sabbath Year.  The Lord told the Israelites to let their land rest the seventh year and not plant, sow or reap.  But, they could still eat what the land produced on its own.  I don't know much about farming, but I know that you can burn out land by overuse.  They didn't have scientists or agricultural wizards in those days.  Just God.  Praise the Lord for enlightening the people when they need it, listen when He tells you what is good for you.

On This Day
1997 -It was a Sunday, and we had a new members luncheon which was moved indoors because of rain.  From that church we went to St Thomas for Lindsey's Baccalaureate because she was graduating from high school.  We came back to my house for dinner.  Just a little memory for Lindsey today.
 2008 - The Phoenix Mars Lander became the first NASA spacecraft to scoop Martian soil. wonder if their soil was burned out or plantable.  Not a word. 

My Mom is so happy in her new assisted living place I feel guilty for keeping her here for 12 years.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     The music was playing loud.  The vision of my grandmother doing the chicken, to Hound Dog  in the kitchen will never leave my mind.  She had to be 70 and no light weight, but there she was dancing to rock and roll!  We did love to dance, but that is the only time I remember her dancing.
Mauritania Africa 
map mauritania mauritania profile history government economy ...

I am not familiar with or heard of any city here, looks like a good find!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Katy!

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