Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Jume 10, 2015 Wednesday #Mercyhibachizoo

Get Fit
Abs of Steel, well if not steel at least better to support the back.  Start out with 10 situps and 10 leg lifts while laying on your back, keep the arch of your back flat on the floor.  There are so many exercises on TV and video's.  They must be serious about how much it helps.  If all else fails - walk.

Get Faith
Isaiah Chapter 53 - predicts The Messiah, Jesus Christ and gives an account of what and why. The birth and death of Jesus was orchestrated by God - the Father.  Why?  because of his merciful love for all of us - you.  Mercy Mercy Mercy.

ON This Day
1977 - When I got home Pete had the hibachi ready to do steaks and a salad made for dinner.  He wanted to make sure I had time to finish the curtains for the boat, it was a 1963 31' wood Cris Craft Sport Fisherman with a bridge.  He had remodeled the salon to put in a "real" head with a shower instead of the potty under the cushions in the vee bunks.  Do they still make boats like that?   That was a great boat, really rode the water nice.

1793 - The Jardin des Plantes zoo opened in Paris. It was the first public zoo. No boat?  Go to the Zoo today!

I went furniture shopping with Don yesterday.  Guys love their recliners.  I don't like them for many reasons,  and I believe that a woman invented them so her husband would reach an early demise.  Nothing says couch potato like a comfy recliner.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     I never wanted to go back there again and because everyone got into a lot of trouble for going and LOOSING ME, I was not well liked or treated nice for some time, like a pariah.  I couldn’t even sit close enough to the bon fire they had every night on the beach, to get some heat from it.  I had to listen to my brother play the guitar and sing “Million Dollar Baby” from 30 feet away.  But I had Joey. 
Night by Jacki Wilson
Mauritania Africa  another interesting place.

CMRN and CMSN military governments (1978–84)[edit]

Chinguetti was a center of Islamic scholarship in West Africa.
Col. Mustafa Ould Salek's CMRN junta proved incapable of either establishing a strong base of power or extracting the country from its destabilizing conflict with the Sahrawi resistance movement, the Polisario Front. It quickly fell, to be replaced by another military government, the CMSN.
The energetic Colonel Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidallah soon emerged as its strongman. By giving up all claims to Western Sahara, he found peace with the Polisario and improved relations with its main backer, Algeria. But relations with Morocco, the other party to the conflict, and its European ally France deteriorated. Instability continued, and Haidallah's ambitious reform attempts foundered. His regime was plagued by attempted coups and intrigue within the military establishment. It became increasingly contested due to his harsh and uncompromising measures against opponents; many dissidents were jailed, and some executed. In 1981 slavery was legally abolished, making Mauritania the last country in the world to do so.  Good riddance to the last stronghold of slavery.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

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