Saturday, June 13, 2015

June 13, 2015 Saturday #walkorrunsharepeaceretire

Get Fit
Nothing better then a Saturday morning walk.  It was a little chilly and damp but not raining.  Get out there! My niece Lindsey is on a run this morning - go Lindsey!

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 6   Jesus is telling here of how to conduct yourself to have a better relationship with God.  Don't brag about the good things you do for others.  I know a lot of people that are forever giving of their time, donating of their own wealth. I know because I see them doing this all the time, it is their lifestyle.  It does encourage others to lead the same kind of life - not bragging but setting a good example.  This behavior will give you peace. No one has peace while others struggle.

On This Day
1980  - Mom had been staying with me for a while.  This was her last day of work before she moved up to Gaylord, her husband and her big new beautiful house.  That was 35 years ago that she retired.  So now you need to think about 35 years of retirement - what will you do? 
1920 - The U.S. Post Office Department ruled that children may not be sent by parcel post.  I have visions of children with postage stamps on their foreheads. 

It was glorious talking to my daughter for 1/2 hour last night after climbing into bed.  She was in bed on the other side of the state at Stony Lake Camp where she is boss this year.  She has earned this job and it was a promise fulfilled of prayer requests to God.  She will be helping children learn the lessons of peace, sharing, love and worshipping God in thanks.  Living by example - Jesus's example.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     He got me through long car rides, boring classes and those times when I thought so little of myself.  I very often felt invisible, like I wasn’t really there.  My mom was always busy with Martin or bragging about Adam it seemed I was only noticed when the dishes were dirty or the vacuuming needed doing.  I thought mom liked boys better than girls and so I turned to dad for attention.  The problem there was he was seldom home.  But I imagined that I spent more time with him then I did.  But in his absence I had Joey.
Mauritania Africa
mauritania culture with beautiful tourist attractions mauritania ...   All the countries of Africa are different - this looks like a good place to visit and get that walk in today.  Don't we wish.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! Happy Birthday Rachelle and Jeff!

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