Friday, June 5, 2015

June 5, 2015 Friday #Joywomendaydreams

Get Fit
House cleaning today.  My fitbit tells me that on Friday when I clean house I hit the highest steps of any day of the week.  So, I didn't exercise today, I will depend on cleaning to work out.

Get Faith
Luke Chapter 1 - This week has been all about the joy of believing in God.  This chapter tells of the joy of two women, Elizabeth and Mary who became pregnant with John the Baptist and Jesus, the son of God.  Their joy is unsurpassable.  God brought two babies into the world to confirm that His people the descendants of Abraham would flourish and know him and be saved.  The joy is ours.

On this day
2005 - This is Alice's birthday weekend.  We went up to Roscommon to celebrate with her, Nicole came from Stony Lake Camp, she was a counselor there.  We spent the weekend enjoying the deck and her friends Doug and Shirley.  It is still her birthday, this year she is going to the casino with her friend Julie. 

1967 - The Six Day War between Israel and Egypt, Syria and Jordan began.

1975 - Egypt reopened the Suez Canal to international shipping, eight years after it was closed because of the 1967 war with Israel. Note a six day way with an eight year recovery period.

My neighbor's son is cutting my lawn this year.  This is the second week we have had an issue.  Last week he screwed up his leg on his bike - Mom cut my lawn.  This week he was half through the lawn when the mower literally, fell apart.  Mom came home from work, borrowed a lawn mower and cut my lawn.  That's what Mom's do and how women operate.  She said "I knew you'd be unhappy if your lawn wasn't cut, I know I would be.  Ah, women, gotta love em.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties

          I loved to sneak away and walk along the beach with my head full of thoughts and stories.  There were more rocks then shells to find there, and I looked but didn’t come home with piles of stones.  Back in the 50’s the song  Love letters in the sand by Pat Boone came out and so I would write love letters to my make believe boyfriend on the beach and imagine that he would magically appear and read my letter to him.  Then we could walk hand in hand along the water’s edge.  As I said before, I was a huge day dreamer. 
Mauritania Africa  history:

Modern history[edit]

Imperial France gradually absorbed the territories of present-day Mauritania from the Senegal river area and upwards, starting in the late 19th century. In 1901, Xavier Coppolani took charge of the imperial mission. Through a combination of strategic alliances with Zawiya tribes, and military pressure on the Hassane warrior nomads, he managed to extend French rule over the Mauritanian emirates. Trarza, Brakna and Tagant quickly submitted to treaties with the colonial power (1903–04), but the northern emirate of Adrar held out longer, aided by the anti-colonial rebellion (or jihad) of shaykh Maa al-Aynayn. Adrar was finally defeated militarily in 1912, and incorporated into the territory of Mauritania, which had been drawn up and planned in 1904. Mauritania was part of French West Africa from 1920.[citation needed]
French rule brought legal prohibitions against slavery and an end to inter-clan warfare. During the colonial period, 90% of the population remained nomadic. Many sedentary peoples, whose ancestors had been expelled centuries earlier, began to trickle back into Mauritania. As the country gained independence in 1960, the capital city Nouakchott was founded at the site of a small colonial village, the Ksar.[citation needed]
After gaining independence, larger numbers of indigenous Sub-Saharan African peoples (Haalpulaar, Soninke, and Wolof) entered Mauritania, moving into the area north of the Senegal River. Educated in French language and customs, many of these recent arrivals became clerks, soldiers, and administrators in the new state. This occurred as the French militarily suppressed the most intransigent Hassane tribes of the Moorish north. This changed the former balance of power, and new conflicts arose between the southern populations and Moors. Between these groups stood the Haratin, a very large population of Arabized slaves of sub-Saharan African origins, who lived within Moorish society, integrated into a low-caste social position.[14]  Sounds better to me, but I don't think it lasted. 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Jacob, and Claudia

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