Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12, 2015 Friday #peacesheckupassurancenoslavery

Get Fit
Pilates today.  Don't forget housework as an exercise - it ranks up there with the best steps and aerobics.

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 4 - Peace to you or in this case rest.  God rested from his work on the 7th day and he orders us in the commandments to rest also.  Do you rest?  I don't.  I go to church but that is only an hours rest.  He says take a day.  We are so consumed with our lives here on earth.  Peace and rest go together  "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.".  Seek peace.

On This Day
1979 - My friend Chris had a doctors appointment and found she had irregular cells.  She followed through and had the necessary procedures to stop it from going into cancer.  I am so glad my friend was smart about that and is still around today.  Get your regular check ups!  The sooner found and treated the better!!  Stick around.

1979 - Bryan Allen flew the Gossamer Albatross, man powered, across the English Channel. In other parts of the world.

I went over to the assisted living place my mom is in because my brother had visited earlier and said they moved Mom to a different room.  That can be terribly upsetting for an elderly person.  She thought it was something she had done wrong.  After assuring her that it wasn't, I pointed out that the new room was nicer and in a better location.  Hopefully she accepted that. Check on the elderly.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     “Hello Jean!  How are you today?  You look wonderful” They gushed over me as they ushered me to his door and opened it for me to enter.
     He was always thrilled to see me and greeted me with a movie type embrace and kiss.  Then he would stare at me, my hair, my eyes, kiss my nose and another kiss on the lips.  His eyes glowed from the deep love he had for me.  Then he would hold me at arm’s length and look slowly down my body and legs and lust after me deeply. Hey!  It’s my fantasy. 
Mauritania Africa
Political parties, illegal during the military period, were legalized again in 1991. By April 1992, as civilian rule returned, 16 major political parties had been recognized; 12 major political parties were active in 2004. The Parti Républicain Démocratique et Social (PRDS), formerly led by President Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya, dominated Mauritanian politics after the country's first multi-party elections in April 1992, following the approval by referendum of the current constitution in July 1991. President Taya won elections in 1992 and 1997. Most opposition parties boycotted the first legislative election in 1992. For nearly a decade the parliament was dominated by the PRDS. The opposition participated in municipal elections in January–February 1994, and in subsequent Senate elections – most recently in April 2004 – and gained representation at the local level, as well as three seats in the Senate.
This period was marked by extensive ethnic violence and human rights abuses. Between 1990 and 1991, a campaign of particularly extreme violence took place against a background of Arabization, interference with blacks' association rights, expropriation, expatriation and slavery. The slaves were mostly black.[24]  This sounds horribly familiar.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Ty! 

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