Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 16, 2015 Tuesday #strengthpeacesisters

Get Fit
Weight training today.  This is a Denise Austin video called Total Body workout.  I am looking for something new - maybe back to the kettle bells.  For those in my area there is a new workout place on Greater Mack by Red Maple Lane and across the street from that is WOW (women only workout) and if you have Blue Cross they cover the cost on your Silver Sneakers card. 

Get Faith
Daniel chapter 3 - This is the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego that were thrown into the blazing furnace because they would not worship the false idol that King Bebuchadnezzar had set up.
Most of us will never have to face this test of faith but we do have other tests everyday.  The peace we have in facing the trials of life comes from knowing that God is always present with us - in a blazing fire or having a bad traffic day. Peace

On this Day
1989  I took Nicole out to see Aaron's new little sister Rachelle.  She was three days old and Nicole was only 4 years old.  It was love at first sight.  Aaron loved both of his sisters and never complained about not having a brother.  It is wonderful to keep kids close, even extended family.

1963 - 26-year-old Valentina Tereshkova went into orbit aboard the Vostok 6 spacecraft for three days. She was the first female space traveler. Hey Rachelle, here is somewhere you haven't gone!

It is a joy to watch children grow up and I can now see who they are.  Aaron is the family man, with a wife and 3 kids, very responsible and loving.  Nicole loves sports - snowboarding, kayaking and runs a Lutheran Camp for kids, her long awaited job.  Rachelle is over the top working for the media and traveling the world.  So different but all so sure of who they are.  Wonderful people.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

Dad had terrible ulcers and after being in a car accident, the ulcers got worse until the doctor said there was a new surgery they were trying, which would get rid of the ulcerated part of the stomach.  He had spent a lot of time in pain for a lot of years.  It started when he was 19.  Back in those days Dad thought that milk or dairy products would soothe it.  We had a malt maker on the kitchen sink that he used to make malted milk shakes.  I loved them, not just chocolate shakes, like they make now, it had to have the malt in it. 
Mauritania Africa
Mauritania Maps
Did we see the map of this place?  I don't think so, here it is.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Shikira!

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