Sunday, June 7, 2015

Jume 7, 2015 Sunday #restforgivedanceandkids

Get Fit
A day of rest.  I have heard it is important to take a day off, but a nice walk later might be good.

Get Faith
This is what I like to exercise on Sunday - my right to worship.  Psalm 51 Again about mercy.  This time it is all about God's mercy for us.  God knows our sins and knows it is important that we confront ourselves with our sins so that we can forgive ourselves.  It can be life ruining to carry guilt that you can't share with anyone - tell God, he forgives sin in the name of Jesus Christ.  Confess and be free.

On this day
2014 Last Year Don and I went to dinner at Mike's on the water (great place)  and then to a dance concert series at a park across from Fisher Theater.  It was great, unfortunately we were so busy last year it was the only one we attended.  I wonder if they are doing them this year? They are!

Saturday Showcase presented by Metro Times. Our Saturday nights have been renamed and rebranded, and promise to be equally exciting. The showcase begins June 8th with the Stewart Francke Band, followed by Armando Vega with a salsa and Latin jazz music performance on June 22nd. New Center Park will continue working with great events like the Concert of Colors and host a special preview of their festival on June 29th featuring Bomba Rica and M.A.K.U. Sound System. Also new to the series is Allons Records who will present "Holy Ghost Fire," an evening showcasing some of Detroit's most talented and long-running gospel groups on July 13th. The Saturday Showcase closes with a performance by the electrifying Celtic music duo, The Moxie Strings, who will open for award-winning singer-songwriter, Jill Jack. Gates open at 8:00pmyes they do! Apparently Monday.

2014 - In Arlington, TX, about 105,000 people attended George Strait's final concert at AT&T stadium. The show set a record for the largest crowd for an indoor concert in North American history.
Well it isn't where we went.

I was at Al's graduation party yesterday and there were soooo many children.  The lady at the next table looked younger than me and told me she had 19 grandchildren. So jealous.  Many of them were there, Jackson, a curly headed blonde haired guy about 3 or 4 was my favorite.  He always seemed to be in front of me when he stuck his hand in the drain hole and then was pulling on an electric cord.  JACKSON!  I began to feel like he was my own.  He would just look at me and grin.  Oh my.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     “JEAN!  Your mom says it time to come up to the cabin for dinner!  Where have you been?” my cousin Kathy yelled.
     “I’m coming” I said, regretfully, I hated to make people mad.
Mauritania Africa
The great Sahel droughts of the early 1970s caused massive devastation in Mauritania, exacerbating problems of poverty and conflict. The Moors reacted to changing circumstances, and to Arab nationalist calls from abroad, by increasing pressure to Arabize many aspects of Mauritanian life, such as law and language. A schism developed between Moors who consider Mauritania to be an Arab country and others who seek a dominant role for the non-Moorish peoples. Various models for maintaining the country's cultural diversity being suggested, but none successfully implemented.
This ethnic discord was evident during inter-communal violence that broke out in April 1989 (the "1989 Events" and "Mauritania–Senegal Border War"), but has since subsided. Mauritania expelled some 70,000 sub-Saharan African Mauritanians in the late 1980s.[20] Ethnic tensions and the sensitive issue of slavery – past and, in some areas, present – are still powerful themes in the country's political debate. A significant number from all groups seek a more diverse, pluralistic society.
I hope they achieve this.

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!!  Happy Birthday Sara!!

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