Wednesday, June 24, 2015

June 24, 2015 Discovery Day #kindness#gentleness#Pleasant#fish

Get Fit
Took a walk this morning, so beautiful a morning.  I am sadly lagging in my 10,000 steps a day program.  I thought doing day camp with elementary kids would do it, but the sessions are all at tables.  Not much moving.  Exercising our minds today. 

Get Faith
Psalm 23 - Gentleness and kindness.  We all know this psalm.  You hear it at every funeral.  That is because it is so comforting.  When things aren't going well - remind yourself "The Lord is my Shepherd - I lack nothing."  Lie down in the pasture and hear the brook and know that he will be with you always.  You prepare a table before me......

On this day
1977 - I went out to pick up lunch for the office at Quality Picture Frame.  I was rear ended in an accident.  I had a Maverick.  I don't ever recall owning a Maverick - and I had whip lash.  No wonder my neck hurts all the time.  Do you have a car that you don't remember?  Think about that.

1869 - Mary Ellen "Mammy" Pleasant officially became the Vodoo Queen in San Francisco, CA.  A little useless information.  Her name was what caught my attention - Pleasant Vodoo Queen.?

I have been seeing all these little girls at day camp with their hair braided, beaded and done in ways I know takes a lot of time, with Mom sitting and daughter probably between her knees.  I see it as an act of love, time together that when I have asked - all the little girls enjoy.  Can I hear from someone else about this?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     Donald Robertson was a young man, only 40 years old and well loved by everyone.  He was the youngest of his 5 siblings and the smartest by their account.  He had a huge heart, always looking out for everyone and was available if anyone needed a hand. 
     He was there if they needed help building a garage or house.  When you needed to move Dad always was there to help, even though he had a bad back.  He was a man’s man – loved to fish, hunt, play golf and go to stag outings with the guys.  He smoked and drank and everyone loved him.
Mauritania Africa Fishing in Mauritania is a huge job and food provider but is being hurt by huge fishing company's that come in and take all the fish.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kathy!

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