Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 17, 2015 Wednesday Bunker Hill Day #Patiencenonews

Get Fit
The new number to hit walking is 10,000 steps.  I get nowhere near that.  I exercised in the morning and then walked up to the post office in the evening.  I was only at 6,000 steps.  But I will keep trying.  Did some aerobics with Kathy Smith and only have 1,456 steps so far.  Don't make yourself crazy do what you can!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 - A Time for Everything.  This study is about patience and all happens in God's time, not ours.  The seasons and reasons of life happen when they will and we can't change it.  Many people today suffer from depression.  I wonder if it is because they realize that life goes on regardless of what they do.  This is God's world and time - enjoy every minute. Trust God.

On this Day
1990   It was Fathers Day and Nicole and Aaron's dad was working the boat show at Freedom Hill.  We packed a lunch and went there to have lunch with him.

1837 - Charles Goodyear received his first patent. The patent was for a process that made rubber easier to work with. This might sound boring but it is one of the few things in history on this day that wasn't about war or hostilities.  What is wrong with us? 

I should take a lesson from my daughter.  I always thought I should stay in the know, pay attention to the news - but it is so inflammatory and biased I end up upset.  The State of the world, the politics and shredding a poor girl with an identity problem on national news?  I'm walking away. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     In September Doctor Starrel thought Dad should try the surgery so he went into the hospital. 
     He was at Grace Hospital in northwest Detroit for a few days before the surgery when all of us stopped by to see him before going to a family wedding.   We walked into the hospital at the main entrance, up the stairs and down the long hall to the elevators.  Then Mom stopped.

Mauritania Africa  culture
Location and Geography. Mauritania encompasses 400,385 square miles (1,037,000 square kilometers), more than three quarters of which is made up of the Sahara desert and the semiarid Sahelian zone. The remaining portion lies along the Senegal River Valley in the extreme south and southeast. The terrain consists of a plateau with vast sand dunes. The climate is hot and dry with frequent sandstorms. The country borders Senegal to the south, Mali to the southeast, Algeria to the northeast, and the Western Sahara to the north. In the southern region, most people engage in agriculture and livestock raising. The people in the south are settled black African farmers, whereas in the north the people have a nomadic lifestyle.
The capital, Nouakchott, is on the on the Atlantic coast. It was chosen a year before independence in 1960. Because the French wanted to transfer power to their Arab-Berber allies, the idea of having a major cities such as Rosso or Kaedi as the capital was ruled out.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

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