Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015 Sunday #flagdayOdetojoycamp

Get Faith
Picked up Mom and took her to church for music Sunday.  The choir, the bell choir and the added brass made for some truly beautiful praise to the Lord.  I wondered when the bells played Ode To Joy if the Lord took a minute and listened and knew that it was written and performed for him to His Glory.  I hope so.

On This Day
1987 - Nicole was 2 and we had one of those plastic kiddy pools for her.  It was so nice to sit in the yard with my feet in the pool for hours - you couldn't leave the baby alone, got you out of any housework you should have been doing. 

1987 - The Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA title by defeating the defending Boston Celtics. Some people had to work harder that day.

At church this morning I watched the parents that had kids going to Stony Lake camp (the one my daughter is director of) fussing over their kids.  One little girl said she had never been to camp, I told her she would love it and forever be hooked on camp after this week.  My little girl is.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

Dad did go with us sometime, to Big Lake out in Northern Oakland County by Clarkston, where we used to live.  An old buddy of Dad’s had a concrete block cottage that Dad had helped him build a few years ago and we went there on the weekends a lot.  The Richter family was the mom and dad and the kids Bernard and Julia.  Julia was a year younger than I.

     Julia and I used to row their rowboat around the lake.  There was a modern looking house all glass that faced to the lake and a real cool guy that played his music real loud.  Little Star by the Elegants.  I imagined he was playing it for me, while Julia rowed I laid back in the rowboat like a movie star and floated off to dreamland hoping it was my Joey come to life.  All I got out of that was a sunburn.
Mauritania Africa religion
The people of Mauritania are nearly all adherents of Sunni Islam of Maliki school of jurisprudence, influenced with Sufism. Mauritania is a country in the Africa, bordering Algeria, Mali, Senegal, and the Western Sahara (currently controlled by Morocco).[1] Officially, 100% of the country's citizens are Muslim,[2] although there is a small community of Christians, mainly of foreign nationality.[3] The two largest Sufi Muslim tariqas in Mauritania are Tijaniyyah and Qadiriyya.[4] Because of the ethnic and tribal divisions in the country, religion is seen by the government as essential for national unity.[5]
There are around 4,500 Roman Catholics in the country of foreign origin.[3] There are also a few adherents of Judaism working in the country.[5]

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Betty! Lynn! Christina and Bruce

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