Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11, 2015 Thursday #dancepeacepicnic

Get Fit
Don and I go to a line dancing class with John and Sophie on Wednesday nights.  The instructor is a skinny little blonde, cute that tries to get us to jump on the digs.  I sincerely would love to but somewhere along the years I have lost the ability to jump.  We do the best we can and it is fun.  This morning I danced with Rita.  Dance!  it is good for you!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 2 - Peace from God our Father.  This is the story of the peace that God sent us.  It could not have been easy raising the Son of God.  You might be concerned about chastising someone else's child, but this?  God picked Mary and Joseph, so He knew they would do a good job, I'm sure.  Jesus knew who he was and why he was sent, to bring you peace.

On This Day
1978 - This is for Chris - There was a girl that worked at one of the Frames and Framing Stores and her name was Kim.  She lived out on a farm in Milford and on this day she had all the employees out for a BBQ.  It was a long ride but I noted that Chris and Steve, Stephen, JP, Tom & Ellen, and Charley all showed up.  Do company's still do picnics?  I guess they do.  Whether you go or not depends on how well you like your fellow employees.  Go on a picnic anyway!

1919 - Sir Barton became the first horse to capture the Triple Crown when he won the Belmont Stakes in New York City. Considering recent news of American Pharaoh this is interesting.

We all think our children are sent from God, but imagine raising Jesus.  It seems you would have to defer to a higher presence in this case.  Did he hurt himself in childhood accidents?  Did he ever get sick?  Did he have to be reminded to clean his room?  Lots of questions.  There were times when I asked for intervention from God.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
Night by Jacki Wilson
     My boyfriend Joey respected me and didn’t want me to be “that kind of girl”, because he was going to marry me.  He was Italian, tall and very good looking.  He had a lot of friends and had everyone’s respect.  Somehow I knew I was his only girlfriend and never questioned where he had gained his experience with girls.  When I went to his house the other people treated me like I was royalty entering the room.  I imagined whole scenario’s.
Mauritania Africa

Ould Taya's rule (1984–2005)[edit]

In 1980, Haidallah was deposed by Colonel Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya, who, while retaining tight military control, relaxed the political climate. Ould Taya moderated Mauritania's previous pro-Algerian stance, and re-established ties with Morocco during the late 1980s. He deepened these ties during the late 1990s and early 2000s as part of Mauritania's drive to attract support from Western states and Western-aligned Arab states. Mauritania has not rescinded its recognition of Polisario's Western Saharan exile government, and remains on good terms with Algeria. Its position on the Western Sahara conflict is, since the 1980s, one of strict neutrality. Sounds good to me.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

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