Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25, 2015 Thursday #flashback

Busy day  Funeral, kids day camp and Jimmy Buffet concert.  Here is a previous blog.

Shared privately  -  Jun 25, 2013
Total Body Workout with Kathy Smith - I think that's what I'm getting at VBS.  only did the aerobic section this morning.

Philippians chapter 2- the joy of serving.  Whether it is entertaining or working in a homeless shelter.  The satisfaction of doing something for someone else is especially gratifying.  Jesus was all about this.

1994 - on this day.  My brother and his wife were going up north, so they took Nicole to meet up with the Vandenboom family.  Nicole's friend Laura's family had moved up to Traverse City and the girls missed each other terribly.  They eventually moved back to the area and the girls resumed their friendship. This was that first trip Nicole took without me, at 9, first of many.  Also 4 years ago today the great Michael Jackson passed,  I thought he was a great talent, the media thought he was great news.

Odemira - To be sure Portugal's main trading partners are still it's European partners, which buy more then 70% of it's goods.  but purchase from it former colonies are quickly increasing based on their emerging economic muscle. (Christian Science Monitor)

Parenting - Nicole and her friend Laura had a binding relationship.  They met in Kindegarten and graduated high school together.  Good friends, excellent students, creative, fun and well liked.  Laura is now Laurence  and as you know Nicole is gay.  I think they knew that about each other very early on and it cemented the bond.  It isn't something they decided on, or something that "happened" to them. It is who they are.  And, they are great!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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