Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June 3, 2015 Wednesday #changegrowconquer

Get Fit
Found a Dancers Workshop set of exercises online. It's called Dancer's Legs Workout.  I like to do something new  once in a while -- it starts out with 20 jumping jacks.  Go ahead and try that for a warm up!

Get Faith
Psalm 136 - Give thanks to the Lord our God - His love endures forever.  What are you thankful for today?  My list is too long to mention here - God knows and His love endures forever.

On this day
2003 - It was Nicole's graduation ceremony and the All Night Party at School - which I was a chaperone for.  Happy day!
2003 - Sammy Sosa (Chicago Cubs) broke a bat when he grounded out against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. The bat he was using was a corked bat. (Illinois, Florida) What does that mean?  Look it up.

I know I preach about getting involved with your kids schools and activities a lot.  It is hard when you work full time, and tiring.  But you will never regret it.  Nicole's friends were so used to seeing me around that they ignored me to have a good time, but came to me when they needed something.  It was like being an invisible presence, like a fly on the wall.  I am glad I was there.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     In the meantime, as much as I loved to swim, Lake Huron is freezing cold.  I never had much meat on my bones so it took me a long time to get “used” to the water.  Then of course there was a 15 – 20 foot lead in of rocks that you had to hobble across to get into knee deep water.  After walking as on eggs for that distance, you had to wonder why you even went out there.  Then I would look for one of the big rocks to stand on to get out of the water, one leg at a time.  Of course that only lasted as long till Adam came by, and pushed me off the rock and then dunked me.  My strategy at that point was to move cautiously to one side and start making my way back across the stones to the shore. 
Mauritania Africa - more history:

Ancient history[edit]

The Bafours were primarily agriculturalist, and among the first Saharan people to abandon their historically nomadic lifestyle. With the gradual desiccation of the Sahara, they headed south.[citation needed] Many of the Berber tribes claimed Yemeni (and sometimes other Arab) origins. There is little evidence to support such claims, but a 2000 DNA study of Yemeni people suggested there might be some ancient connection between the peoples.[13]
Other peoples also migrated south past the Sahara to West Africa. In 1076, Moorish Islamic warrior monks (Almoravid or Al Murabitun) attacked and conquered the large area of the ancient Ghana Empire. Over the next 500 years, Arabs overcame fierce resistance from the local population (Berber and non-Berber alike) to dominate Mauritania.
The Mauritanian Thirty-Year War (1644–74) was the unsuccessful final effort of the peoples to repel the Yemeni Maqil Arab invaders. The invaders were led by the Beni Hassan tribe. The descendants of the Beni Hassan warriors became the upper stratum of Moorish society. Hassaniya, a Berber-influenced Arabic dialect that derives its name from the Beni Hassan, became the dominant language among the largely nomadic population.[citation needed]
Berbers retained a niche influence by producing the majority of the region's marabouts: those who preserve and teach Islamic tradition.[    All of the histories we read include conquering countries that change the people to another culture, religion and politics. 
Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. What do you think?
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kostyantyn!

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