Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 6, 2015 Saturday #ddaymercyYMCAslavery

Get Fit
I have not joined Weight Watchers but I know a few people that have and have had good luck with it.  You just have to stick with it.  Look, unless you are not planning on living much longer - plan to live healthy for the rest of your life.  Your time here will be much more pleasurable.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5 - The sermon on the Mount.  This study is about mercy. "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."  God wants us to show the same mercy to one another - even our enemies, that He shows to us.  I can hear your "but .... "   Me too, but the end result is a more peaceful existence for you.  That's all He wants for us.

On this day
2008 - My bosses mother had died and he closed the shop early.  I went to the store and bought a new outfit and stopped at Wendy's.  I changed into my new clothes in the ladies room, had a coffee and went to the funeral home.  This time of year, when we need to dress up - our clothes may not fit from last year - do you know what I mean?  We do what we have to do.

1844 - The Young Men's Christian Association was founded in London. Everybody! YMCA

Fur babies.  My friends think I come over to see them, but I just come to see their dogs.  I have a cat so yours is not as attractive to me as a dog.  I love dogs.  Many people have pets that are like their children even people that have children, which makes you a cat's/dog's sister or brother.  How do you feel about that?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     My invisible boyfriend’s name was Joey.  It was him that I conjured up on my long solitary walks on the beach.  I think I preferred his company to anyone else’s some of the time.  He would sit in the sand and I would sit between his legs with his arms around me and gaze out to the lake.  He would tell me how I was the prettiest girl around and that when he wasn’t with me he didn’t want me to date anyone else.  He would smell my hair and say it smelled like heavenly clouds and that my skin was soft as a baby’s.  He loved everything about me and never wanted me to change.
Mauritania Africa - little more history
Modern-day slavery is still a common practice in Mauritania.[15] According to some estimates, up to 600,000 Mauritanians, or 20% of the population, are still enslaved.[16][17][18] A 2012 CNN report, "Slavery's Last Stronghold," by John D. Sutter, describes and documents the ongoing slave-owning cultures.[19] This social discrimination is applied chiefly against the "black Moors" (Haratin) in the northern part of the country, where tribal elites among "white Moors" (Beidane) hold sway. Low-caste groups within the sub-Saharan African ethnic groups of the south are also sometimes enslaved. This, I think is unacceptable.  Why don't we hear more of this or aren't these slaves important?
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Alice!  Danielle and Jon!

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