Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15, 2015 Monday #PeaceGiveBloodmiracles

Get Fit
Low impact aerobics to start the week.  My shoulders and thumbs ache with arthritis, but I swear they feel better after a workout.  Keep moving. 

Get Faith
Philippians chapter 4 - Paul's letter commending the Philippians. " Rejoice in the Lord always: I will say it again!   And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Paul thanked the women for their service and devotion. Peace.

On this day
1988 - I like to remember all the great pediatric doctors and nurses when I remember this time.  Nicole was on dialysis at St Johns hospital.  She had Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.  Her kidneys shut down, it was probably a result of ecoli bacteria.  We almost lost her.  My heart goes out to anyone who has a sick child and I thank God for the medical staff with the huge hearts.

1667 - Jean-Baptiste Denys administered the first fully-documented human blood transfusion. He successfully transfused the blood of a sheep to a 15-year old boy. It doesn't say here how it turned out for the boy, but it must have been significant in the history of transfusing blood.  Nicole had to have blood and I thanked God, again when I watched the color come back to her pale little body. 

We always wonder why God? when our child is sick.  We forget that we are the ones that have failed to protect the earth and atmosphere, we have neglected keeping chemicals out of our food supply and we are occasionally lax in watching our children.  It is all part of our world today, we can't stop it but we can thank God for the miracles of all lives that He does save and know that He cares for them when He takes them home.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
        That was the year my Dad died in September, the 12th, you never forget.  It is a really bad time for a girl to lose a dad, not that there is a good time.  All of my life I imagined myself  daddy’s girl, so I was both devastated at the loss and horribly guilty for complaining about babysitting while Mom went to the hospital to see Dad when he had the surgery.  He never came home and our family changed from a typical Mom at home with kids and a dad at work, to mom at work and kids home alone, a lot.
Mauritania Africa

2007 presidential election[

Mauritania's first fully democratic presidential election took place on 11 March 2007. The election effected the final transfer from military to civilian rule following the military coup in 2005. This was the first time since Mauritania gained independence in 1960 that it elected a president in a multi-candidate election.[37]
The election was won in a second round of voting by Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, with Ahmed Ould Daddah a close second.  didn't last.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Joe!

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