Friday, June 26, 2015

June 26, 2015 Friday! #unfit#gentleness#advice

Get Fit
I'm not fit for anything today - too much Jimmy Buffet Concert.  Got a lot of aerobics activity in last night though!

Get Faith
John chapter 13- This is where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples.  It was common practice in those days for a servant to wash guests feet when they came to your house.  So this act was one of service.  He told us to wash each others feet.  He wants us to serve one another as de did in his death and suffering and returning to life so that we may have eternal life. 

On this day
2004 - My neighbor Rox told me they were moving.  I hate it when people move away.  First I get mad, maybe take it as a personal affront.  Then it's just sad.  We always say we will keep in touch, and we do kind of, but it is never the same.  Now my neighbors Ty and Shannon have a sign on their lawn.  We will keep in touch.

1819 - The bicycle was patented by W.K. Clarkson, Jr. I should get my bicycle fixed.  Go for a ride!

Do as I say not as I do.  My cousin Kay has a birthday coming up and her son got her a ticket to the Jimmy Buffet concert last night they had an extra ticket - so of course I went.  Her son John and 2 of his friends, Chris and Matt and Leah - all much younger than I - but I had the best time, just ask them.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
The funeral home was packed for two days.  The funeral had so many cars that while the hearse and family car pulled up at the gravesite , there were still cars in the procession, three blocks down Gratiot pulling out of the funeral home parking lot.   His death had impacted not only his wife and family but many others as well.  His death had a huge impact on my life and which road I decided to go down, although some direction choices had already started.
Mauritania Africa
Last few days here lets see what we can find:
chingetti  This site had a lot of great pictures! 
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Dale and Michael

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